And now Ukraine's supporters within the Republican Party have expressed concerns about how the meeting played out. Republican Congressman Mike Lawler told PBS News that the meeting was a "missed opportunity" and the "only winner here was Vladimir Putin". He also said it was "unfortun...
A source close to Christie said he took No Labels very seriously -- commissioning polls and talking to donors in recent weeks -- but ultimately thought there wasn’t a viable path to the presidency and that him running third-party could help elect Trump. Though Ch...
A source close to Christie said he took No Labels very seriously -- commissioning polls and talking to donors in recent weeks -- but ultimately thought there wasn’t a viable path to the presidency and that him running third-party co...
If No Labels were a legitimate third party rather than a Trump front, it would withdraw from all ballots for the 2024 election. If Cornel West and the Green Party had positive intentions, they would do the same. The rest of us must spread the word about the dangers of these third parti...
UKIP, the United Kingdom Independence Party, was formed 30 years ago tasked with ending Britain's membership of the EU. UKIP chairman Paul Oakden said Bolton was offered the opportunity to resign but said he had made it clear that he feels he is the right man to lead the party forward....
On June 1, 2019, No Boundaries Coalition and Jubilee Arts Baltimore hosted the 12th Annual Boundary Block Party, which brought residents together in central west Baltimore across boundaries of race and class and neighborhoods to celebrate the strengths of the community. ...
Several political parties including President Maithripala Sirisena's Sri Lanka Freedom Party participated in the first day of debate on Wednesday. The government, however, remains confident that they will be able to defeat the motion.
Kulmuni said in her acceptance speech that she aims to make the Center Party the largest one in the 2023 election. The party is now the fifth largest in parliament and a poll this week gave the Center its lowest ever support at slightly above 11 percent. ...
"Russian assistance to the Korean settlement will be implemented not only in work with partners in bilateral formats, but also through the most active participation in collective efforts," Interfax news agency quoted Morgulov as saying. The six-party talks mechanism involves China, the Democratic Pe...
“A lot of the tea party people arrived in Washington a few years ago with this mission of tearing government down,” Sarbanes told AP in an interview. “You have Democrats arriving in this class who very much want to fix it, repair it, strengthen it, restore it.” ...