使用STMcubemx工具创建的工程,插上ST-LINK V2下载器,首次下载成功后,再次下载时显示NO st-link detected, 硬件和ST-LINK以及KEIL相关设置均没问题,开始查找问题,原来在使用cubemx创建工程时,未配置JTAG或者SWD调试,查看main()--->HAL_Init())--->HAL_MspInit()--->__HAL_AFI... 查看原文 STM32CubeMX之...
Btw I am using platform Cable USB 2 for Xilinx and already changed adapter. What is your suggestion is it require to change cable too ? Sorry for my mistake, casually I press to "solved", but the problem still remain. As you see JTAG is exactly Xilinx...
v=ogueqefqow4 use a processor to read and write the contents of the on-chip memory ip. use the ram 1-port ip. this ip doesn't have an avalon bus, so you would have to build an adapter to connect in to a platform designer system. this problem isfixed starting inversion 19.4 of ...