执行如下命令获取flannel配置 kubectlgetconfigmap-n kube-system kube-flannel-cfg-o yaml 查看SubnetLen,此场景得到如下 SubnetLen:27 查看kubelet 配置 执行如下命令获取kubelet配置 cat/var/lib/kubelet/config.yaml 查看maxPods,此场景得到如下 maxPods: 64 总结 节点上pod数已经达到了flannel子网下可分配ip数量,但...
kubectl describe node <nodeName> | grep Allocatable: -C10#查看MAX-Pod数量 该节点Pod可以ip与Max-Pod值相同,但如果Max-Pod值大于CIDR网段可用ip地址时,就会出现以下报错信息: network: failed to allocateforrange0: no IP addresses availableinrangeset:xx.xx.xx.xx-xx.xx.xx.xx 注解:该节点的max-pod值...
Error while adding to cni network: failed to allocate for range 0: no IP addresses available in range set: 解决: 干掉cni-flannel,停运集群.清理环境. rm -rf /var/lib/cni/flannel/* && rm -rf /var/lib/cni/networks/cbr0/* && ip link delete cni0 rm -rf /var/...
failed to allocate for range 0: no IP addresses available in range setdebianmaster/openshift-examples#59 Open nonsensementioned this issueFeb 17, 2020 aaurenclosed this ascompletedApr 24, 2020 vanyarock01mentioned this issueFeb 26, 2021
Multus: Err in tearing down failed plugins: Multus: error in invoke Delegate add - "flannel": failed to allocate for range 0: no IP addresses available in range set: 原因如下: image 删除多余的ip地址 rm -rf 10* ...
ip domain name multilink bundle-name authenticated 3. show version show version命令用于显示设备的硬件信息、软件版本、配置寄存器信息以及设备启动时间等信息。 Router# show version 返回示例: Cisco IOS Software, 2800 Software (C2800NM-ADVIPSERVICESK9-M), Version 15.1(4)M10, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2) ...
28.920477 25651 docker_manager.go:746] Logging security options: {key:seccomp value:unconfined msg:} Jan 06 23:23:30 ip-10-254-194-102.us-west-1.aws.wflops.net kubelet-wrapper[25651]: E0106 23:23:30.190398 25651 docker_manager.go:357] NetworkPlugin cni failed on the status hook for ...
# Only available if VRF support was compiled into pptpd. # #vrf test # TAG: bcrelay <if> # Turns on broadcast relay to clients from interface <if> # #bcrelay eth1 # TAG: delegate # Delegates the allocation of client IP addresses to pppd. ...
ssh -o "ProxyCommand ssh -p 12345 user@跳板机公网IP nc -w 1000 %h %p" -p22 user@目标主机ip 我这里环境如下,mcw1是ansible主机,mcw2是当做跳板机,mcw3是当做目标主机。现在mcw1上通过mcw2去连接mcw3测试成功 mcw1 mcw2 mcw3 ...
public static interface HasPublicIpAddress.UpdateDefinitionStages.WithPublicIPAddressNoDnsLabel extends WithExistingPublicIPAddress<ReturnT>, WithNewPublicIPAddressNoDnsLabel<ReturnT> The stage of the definition allowing to associate the resource with a public IP addres...