例如,当移位寄存器深度为4,-shreg_min_size为3,-no_srlextract被勾选,那么最终实现形式是4个触发器级联的形式,而非FF + LUT + FF的形式。 在SystemGenerator中,有两个模块Delay和Register,如下图所示。这两个模块是不同的。对于Delay延迟深度可设定,对于Register延迟深度就是1。 进一步,对于Delay的描述如下图...
[Vivado 12-626] No clocks found. Please use 'create_clock' or 'create_generated_clock' command to create clocks. [<constraint_file_name>.xdc:1] The following is an example constraint that is causing these warnings: set_input_delay -clock [get_clocks clk] -max 4.0 [get_ports da_in] ...
60818 - CPRI v8.2 - [Vivado 12-1387] No valid object(s) found for set_max_delay constraint with option '-from [get_cells -hier -filter {name =~ *cpri_i/cpri_options.cpri_i/rx_modules_I/RX_HFNSYNC_10G.rx_hfnsync_i/hfnsync_reg}]'. ...
55248 - Vivado 时序和约束 - 为何我的 IP 会遇到严重警告 CRITICAL WARNING: [Vivado 12-259] No clocks specified, please specify clocks 或 CRITICAL WARNING: [Vivado 12-1387] No valid object(s) found for set_max_delay? Description
55248 - Vivado Timing and IP Constraints - Why do I get the following CRITICAL WARNING: [Vivado 12-259] No clocks specified, please specify clocks, for my IP, or why do I get CRITICAL WARNING: [Vivado 12-1387] No valid object(s) found for set_max_delay? Description Why do I ge...
This will generate a single inverter whose input is connected to the output, and it will oscillate unpredictably. I managed to generate a bitstream without problems using Vivado (on the latest dev-int branch, where both timers are implemented). So why does it fail on your machine ? Hmmmm. ...
InputRXChannel1Clock 74.25MHz/148.5MHzMMCME2_ADV _rx_1CLKFBINCLKFBOUT BUFG IDELAYE2 BUFGCLKIN1CLKOUT0tx_clk R1_CLK InputRXChannel2Clock 74.25MHz/148.5MHzTXClock _rx_2148.5MHz IDELAYE2clock_generator_0 BUFG R2_CLK MMCME2_ADV InputRXChannel3Clock ...
tdd-skip-vco-cal-enable */ uint32_t tx_fastlock_delay_ns; /* adi,tx-fastlock-delay-ns */ uint32_t rx_fastlock_delay_ns; /* adi,rx-fastlock-delay-ns */ uint8_t rx_fastlock_pincontrol_enable; /* adi,rx-fastlock-pincontrol-enable */ uint8_t tx_fastlock_pincontrol_enable;...
Vivado: ** https://github.com/analogdevicesinc/hdl/tree/master/projects/fmcomms2/zed * **ZC702 HDL Reference Design for Vivado: **https://github.com/analogdevicesinc/hdl/tree/master/projects/fmcomms2/zc702 * **ZC706 HDL Reference Design for Vivado: **https://github.com/analogdevicesinc...
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