升级CocoaPod遇到ERROR: While executing gem ... (TypeError) no implicit conversion of nil into String问题的解决方法 如下图: 先执行命令: gem update --system 再升级: 1 sudogeminstallcocoapods --pre 这样就能够正常升级了。
no implicit conversion of nil into String 一、Cocoapod 执行pod install命令时报错 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 [!] An error occurred while processing the post-install hook of the Podfile. no implicit conversion of nil into String /System/...
gem update --system 被告知权限不行 加了sudo变成 sudo gem update --system 还是不行报: ERROR: While executing gem ... (TypeError) no implicit conversion of nil into String 找了好多 都不靠谱 自己也不知道怎么解决 直到发现了这个: https://blog.csdn.net/shaokang5532/article/details/80539885(转...
升级CocoaPod遇到ERROR: While executing gem ... (TypeError) no implicit conversion of nil into String问题的解决方法 2017-01-10 17:29 − ... 冰岛 0 7848 相关推荐 解决:[ERROR] Error executing Maven. [ERROR] 1 problem was encountered while building the effective set 2019-12-09 15:33 ...
The part of the error that says "no implicit conversion of nil into String" suggests that you should look at the part of the code that is converting something to a string: item['quantity'].to_s A quick web search of 'ruby nil' says that it means nothing is there or, in this case...
Upgrading contents.xcworkspacedataRunning pod install...CocoaPods' output:↳[!] Invalid `Podfile` file: no implicit conversion of nil into String.# from /Users/ado/my/work/flutter/testdemo4/ios/Podfile:58# ---# unless File.exist?(copied_framework_path)> FileUtils.cp_r(File.join(cached...
What happened? Throws no implicit conversion of nil into String (TypeError) error when trying to launch a browser. Gem versions - Watir v7.1.0 webdriver v5.2.0 How can we reproduce the issue? require 'watir' Watir::Browser.new(:edge) Hap...
简介:解决Invalid `Podfile` file: no implicit conversion of nil into String 出现场景 朋友的一个老项目,创建的时候用的是flutter1.0版本。 现在让我帮忙改个东西,我的Flutter是2.0,导入项目后,在ios上编译时出现以下错误 Upgrading contents.xcworkspacedataRunning pod install...CocoaPods' output:?[!] Invalid...
.. (TypeError) no implicit conversion of nil into String 解决方法 rm /usr/local/bin/update_rubygems gem update --system 最后编辑于 :2017.12.11 05:36:32 ©著作权归作者所有,转载或内容合作请联系作者 2人点赞 疑难杂症 更多精彩内容,就在简书APP "小礼物走一走,来简书关注我"赞赏支持还没...
TypeError: no implicit conversion of Hash into String /var/www/.rbenv/versions/2.3.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/bundler-1.15.2/lib/bundler/cli/install.rb:75:in `expand_path' /var/www/.rbenv/versions/2.3.0/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0/gems/bundler-1.15.2/lib/bundler/cli/install.rb:75:in `ru...