But now that I vape, I still don’t do it. I’m no biologist. I presume kitty doesn’t want any. Is this a rude anthropocentric assumption on my part, or have I guessed the correct multiple-choice answer? TIA. (Somebody’s Canadian tax dollar at work…) Last edited 1 year ago ...
2022, byCentral Square School District SuperintendentThomas J. Colabufo after a bus driver who had submitted to a random drug and alcohol screening was allegedly found to have a BAC of .09% according to one test. Random drug and alcohol screening is permitted as part of the union's contract...
Activision has officially confirmed that this year'sCall of Dutyouting will be the fourth entry in the popular Black Ops sub-series.Black Ops 4(or, as Activision would have us say, "IIII") arrives in October, but the publisher has only confirmed the PS4, Xbox One and ...
eaRamgeiaedgneets(nDatsnMdaFnc)do, n0cdo°Cintid,orinotisoo:mn(as):teP(maip)pePerriapazteiurnareez,.iHne2O, H, 126O0,°1C6;0(b◦)CN; o(bn)anNooinc aanciodi,cHacBiTdU, H, dBiiTsUo-, dpiriospopylraompyinlaem(DinIePE(DAI)P, EdAim),edthimyleftohrymlfaomrmidaem(DidMe ...