In the areas where I do want color, I like how it colors things andreypopp/vim-colors-plain Minimalistic colorscheme which uses bold to highlight keywords and a distinguished color for constant literals (string, numbers, JSX tags). owickstrom/vim-colors-paramount A minimal colorscheme for Vim...
('SHELL'),---Neovim's native window border. See `:h nvim_open_win` for more configuration options.border='single',---Close the terminal as soon as shell/command exits.---Disabling this will mimic the native terminal behaviour.---@typebooleanauto_close=true,---Highlight group for the...
highlight=%28install-locales%29 根据提示重新编译 glibc-2.14 ../configure --prefix=/usr/local/glibc-2.14 make && make install && make localedata/install-locales 问题解决!!! 二、现象:cat 没问题,vim中文乱码 错误:bash: 警告:setlocale: LC_TIME: 无法改变区域选项 (zh_CN.UTF-8) 原因分析: 系统...
"highlight_line": true, } 1. 2. 3. 4. 会将默认字体大小调整为12,并高亮当前行。 JSON配置文件的引入简化了Sublime Text的界面,但也使得配置变的复杂,一般我会到这里查看可用的Sublime Text配置。 编辑(Editing) Sublime Text的编辑十分人性化——它不像Vim那样反人类(尽管我也用Vim但我还是要说Vim的快捷...
implants, but not MgYREZr implants, elicits a compositional alteration in the interfacial bone and a previously unknown proadipogenic response with persistent low-grade inflammation in the surrounding bone marrow. Beyond the need for rigorous tailoring of Mg implants, these data highlight the need ...
# vim: ft=zsh sw=2 ts=2 et # --- # First of all, ensure predictable parsing. typeset zsh_highlight__aliases="$(builtin alias -Lm '[^+]*')" # In zsh <= 5.2, aliases that begin with a plus sign ('alias -- +foo=42') # are emitted by `alias -L` without a '-...
Landscape construction: Should manifest “the mass character, the modernity, the cultural property” characteristic.As the city geography activity center, the Nanan mouth should highlight the mass character, attracts and facilitates three town resident's collection, as well as everywhere traveling sig[...
I have used the Visual Studio templates to add Docker support and the user secrets has the password for the certificate and the user secrets and certificate are mounted as volumes in docker-compose.ov...Change workbench SQL editor cursor / line highlight color I found some great info on he...
主要原因网卡配置出现问题,或缺少相关的配置文件,或者配置文件出错。 出现这个问题的原因是网卡配置出错。 解决办法注释其他的网卡eth0,eth2 修改vim ifcfg-Auto_eth2 相应的HWADDR为上面的Attr{Address}00:0C:29:5F:91:A8 接下来重启网卡,正常 总结:主要的配置文件就两个 每个网卡都会有这......