As she does so, 2B begins to wonder if the mechanical lifeforms are truly capable of feelings and desires. Acknowledging that she also tries to ignore any sentimentality as she fights, 2B muses that they may not be so different than the androids as she once thought. ...
Central Love Story:A relationship (or the pursuit of one) is the driving force of the plot. Emotional Focus:The film prioritizes the characters' feelings and their journey towards connection. Happy Endings:While not always the case, many romance movies conclude with a positive resolution for the...
The CliffsNotes are I have attention regulation and prioritizing issues. If something isn’t engaging I can literally blank it out. (When I was younger I tried several times to watch the movie Batman (1989). I’d get as far as the hoodlums saying “they call him The Bat” and next t...
I laughed so hard when the driver was like and Bok Gyu was like 3. "I have a sinking feeling that Ji-uk had feelings for Hae-yeong all along, which as you know is something that romance dramas keep doing that annoys me, but it's not a dealbreaker." I'm feeling that too and ...
The CliffsNotes are I have attention regulation and prioritizing issues. If something isn’t engaging I can literally blank it out. (When I was younger I tried several times to watch the movie Batman (1989). I’d get as far as the hoodlums saying “they call him The Bat” and next ...
Rent Freeis a movie propelled by chaos—scrappy, horny, manic, hilarious chaos. My score's purpose was therefore equally to enhance and to offset this chaos. Like the plot itself, the music arrives in lapses and lurches, alternating and accentuating manic episodes and providing melancholic respit...
People can surprise you, and personal growth is always a possibility. Think of it like a captivating plot twist in a movie; you have to let the story unfold to see if the characters evolve. The no-contact rule offers the space needed for genuine introspection and potential transformation. ...
The CliffsNotes are I have attention regulation and prioritizing issues. If something isn’t engaging I can literally blank it out. (When I was younger I tried several times to watch the movie Batman (1989). I’d get as far as the hoodlums saying “they call him The Bat” and next ...
Yeah, really, my big problem with the movie is that it feels like three or four movies combined. The plot is way too overstuffed, and about half an hour too long. There is an undeniable sense of peril fatigue, where the characters seem to be in constant extraordinary danger from beginning...
In the Nanatsu no Taizai Popularity Poll, Elizabeth was 6th place (210 votes) for postcards, but 10th place (2074 votes) including online votes. Out of all the main characters, Elizabeth changes her outfit the most frequently throughout the series. ...