no hard drive installed. please check that the power and data cables are connected properly 救救楼主吧 电脑小白 2 创新的叉烧包 会装系统 7 不认盘了。找售后吧。 惠普服务39 我是大神 14 3F0、3F1、3F2 指的是找不到UEFI引导的操作系统。可以按照以下几个步骤尝试解决①关机后,拔掉电源适配器,...
1、首先,电脑出现no hard drive detected这个问题,主要是键盘引起的,因为它检测不到键盘,可以把键盘更换一个接口。2、接着按【Ctrl+alt+delete】,就会进入到电脑。3、如果以上无法解决,当出现no hard drive detected时,按这个键盘f1。4、然后选择右侧load 读取默认设置,选择y,那么重置BIOS设置即...
Drink spilled on laptop, tried to remove as much liquid as I could. I chose to power laptop down for better access, though when I powered it back on came up with a message saying my operating system was not installed on my hard disk. Tried the information and instructions...
(12)Fatal Error Bad Hard Disk(硬盘致命错误)硬盘或硬盘接口故障。(13)No Hard Disk Installed(没有安装硬盘)没有安装硬盘,但是CMOS参数中设置了硬盘;硬盘驱动器号没有接好,硬盘卡(多功能卡)没有接插好;硬盘驱动器或硬盘卡故障。解决方案:1。把硬盘拆下,拿到别的电脑上进行分区,分好后在插...
"Setup did not find any hard disk drives installed in your computer" The first thing you will have to do is find out the manufacturer of your motherboard, and also the type of drive you are using. SATA (Serial ATA) Hard Drive
Hard Drive 1 Status: Normal Device Port: 1 Device Port Location: Internal Current Serial ATA Transfer Mode: Generation 1 Model: ST3160811AS Serial Number: 6PT4RSTR Firmware: 3.AAE Native Command Queuing Support: Yes Size: 149 GB Unused Port 0 ...
1、重启后快速摁F2进入Bios界面,注意最好要提前连续摁要不然很容易进入开机界面。2、进入BIOS界面之后,点击“First Boot Device”,选择Hard Disk即可,此时第一引导设备即是Hard Disk列入经营异常。二、操作系统的引导文件损坏或丢失。修复磁盘引导分区方法如下:1、先准备一个下载好修复系统的U盘,插入...
可以用dell主板自带的检测程序(Pre-boot system Assessment),检测,PSA诊断程序可在d系统笔记本上运行,执行步骤如下:1)按住fn键,然后按电源开关打开电脑,大约1秒钟后,放开按键;2)出现并开始启动psa诊断程序,(注释:当执行psa诊断程序时,交流适配器和电池必须同时安装在笔记本上);3)如果这个操作不能进入,...
All it needs is the Microsoft SATA AHCI driver to be installed for all your hard drives to be recognized. NOTE: I see MSI has no SATA Drivers to download except RAID which doesn't concern you. That is because MSI Motherboard uses Microsoft SATA Native Drivers like my Asus X570 Motherboa...
Prior to the occurrence of the problem, have you installed any additional hard drives or memory? If so, please remove or restore that hardware to its factory default settings. Disconnect the adapter or power cord, thenPerform an Embedded Controller (EC Reset) or Real-Time Clock (RTC) reset ...