发现《NO HOOK FREESTYLE Pt.4》 说唱 Rapeter No Hook Freestyle 中文说唱 嘻哈 REACTION 反应视频製燥廠2白看秀 发消息 接下来播放 自动连播 No Hook Freestyle Part4 没忍住唱了一整首 rapeter燃炸了 Wystan-C 101 0 sasi弃曲-5-“这些歌都是在实验,写的同一个主题所以我不发” Keynesdont...
Trap的节奏,一边是用镲(这个乐器应该英文叫hi hat,冷知识:pktm里面出现好多次的编舞师RYUK签的经济公司就叫hi hat,同时金圣圭评审的队友、无限Rap担、沸羊羊长得神似的前辈张东雨签的公司也是这个,kpop圈真是个屁大点的地方)做出很密很快的小节奏,同时又用鼓非常不均匀没法预测地在一些地方打出沉闷的大拍。而...
I questioned the wisdom of placing a record section in a store primarily occupied by running and screaming pairs of hands, right around record shelf height. I dealt with this at a CD store, remember. I think they’re gambling on the nerd factor. Those people who are coming in for the n...
I bought every book by Friedman that I could get my hands on. To balance it out, I also readThe Demon Haunted Worldby Carl Sagan. It is important to read the view of the sceptic, but even so I thought Carl overlooked some things. Then I bought Jesse Ventura’s book calledAmerican Co...
Lock In is a near-future crime story set in a future America. The setting is defined by Haden’s disease a flu-like disease epidemic that causes some of its sufferers to experience what they call “lock in” leaving their minds perfectly healthy but unable to move. In reaction to this ...
Mac Miller's Reaction To Kendrick Lamar's 'To Pimp A Butterfly': New Shows Announced Viral Video: 'World's Smallest 3D Printed Drill': 3D Printed Wonders Whitney Cummings Takes A Selfie With 'Empires' Taraji P. Henson: Encourages Animal Adoption 'The Flash' Recap 'Out of Time,' Season...
They know they depicted Saddam as an evil man and not the President of a country, so he would have to be fought and the population that died would be “collateral damage”, human blood on the hands of the West. The people who accept this framing do not really care about the facts ...
(according to Wikipedia, at least). Like her first album,Le Kovis driven by a political determination – in this case, a desire to capture the sound of a near-forgotten language, as a reaction to austerity-induced government cuts to programmes designed to preserve and revive it. And while ...
As they are selling like hot cakes I tour the country to get my hands on the last ones. It is a moment of pride stepping into an upmarket Nespresso shop and seeing the product by Yei farmers on display. Suluja coffee tasting with rapper J boy I get in touch with a famous rap band...