我在国外的经历告诉我, 外国人很少会故意讹诈提供帮助的人( 排除怀有恶意的难民或移民). 也许指的是...
"I'm not selfish," Anderson weakly mumbled in reply. "I'm a generous man…" "That's the beauty of it," Phineas sneered. "It’s still selfishness. You do these horrible things to people, then you go out on the town doing good deeds as you find them as a way to balance the ka...
“Wikitorrent No Good Deed file free download 5cvV3”的版本历史 查看本页面的日志 差异选择:选出需要对比的版本,按“回车键”或下方的按钮进行对比。 说明:(当前)=与最后版本之间的差异,(先前)=与上一版本之间的差异,小=小编辑。
Is there a Chinese proverb or idiom that is close to the meaning of this saying in English? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_good_deed_goes...TwoCupsofFlour 2022年11月11日 中文(简体) Since it's related to karma, I think this might be close:好人不长命,祸害遗千年。(good people liv...
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WikiLeaks whistleblower Chelsea Manning and Intercept co-founder Glenn Greenwald squared off on Twitter, after Manning launched an attack on her one-time ally and biggest supporter, all to the delight of Greenwald’s many haters. Former army intelligence analyst Manning launched a seemingly-unprovoke...
Moreover, the ever-present hopelessness wears down on people, and Nomus is a place where no good deed goes unpunished. These are the basic scenario aspects. The setting, therefore, contains two aspects: there is no point in mending a broken world and no good deed goes unpunished. ...
(To Mitsuari Ayu about Touma, from NT 11):"He is my hero. I don’t care how others see him. He can be someone else’s hero too. The authenticity of his righteousness doesn’t matter. But none of that changes his ability to be my personal hero. …So he will come. Even if he...
(AFL) as a quarterback. New York Jets would always retain their respect for the idol, and many have considered this person as their source of inspiration. Yes, we are trying to enumerate the deed of Joe Namath. His efficacy in the game has earned him a name; he is more famous as “...
source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponential_backoff In your particular use case, you want to retry getting the _sid after waiting a certain amount of time. While waiting in a retry loop, instead of calling time.sleep(x) where x = const (i.e. for a fixed amount of time), use...