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stay close to their experiences. However, at the same time, the focus of this integrative (as opposed to aggregative) methodology is concerned with creating new interpretation and understanding [24,25], which is important in moving forward the field. Whilst any research focused on young mothers’...
The pre-Pan African rocks in the Oban Massif are dominated by migmatitic and sheared gneisses, para-ortho-schists, meta-conglomerates, and other ancient granitic rocks such as phyllites, while the Pan-African rocks consist mainly of older granites and metavolcanic sedimentary series [38,39]. ...
Cwheesnt.gdCuheanngddCuhaonndgqCinhgonargeqtinhge tawreo cthenetrtwalocictieenstwrailthcithieeslawrgitehsttheceolnaorgmeisct aegcgorneogmatiec ianggwresgtaetreniCnhwineast.ern China. FFiigguurree11..TThheegegoegorgarpahpihcilcocloactiaotnioanndantderrtaeirnraoifnthoef stthuedystaurdeya (aC...
[CrossRef] [PubMed] 3. Pan, Z.; Jing, W.; He, K.; Zhang, L.; Long, X. SATB1 is Correlated with Progression and Metastasis of Breast Cancers: A Meta-Analysis. Cell. Physiol. Biochem. 2016, 38, 1975–1983. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 4. Mai, F.T.; Omar, H.A. Immunotherapy, ...
(ownheicohf TisEOanS aenrrdoronoef o1f0P%a.rTylheenea-pCp)rgoixviemsaatnioanctius aptieornfoprmreesdsubrey omf o3d.3elpinsgi ftohreap1r5e-sµsmurederfleqeuctiiroend, twohdicehfleisctana e1r-rµomr otfh1ic0k%.TETOhSe adpiapprhorxaimgmatiaonndisap4e.r5f-oµrmmedthibcyk mPa...
tahigslhuecrobsewiansninovrmesatilgaantedddbiyabLeituicemt ailc.e(2[40,1147)].[1T9h].eIannatdi-dNitOioanc,tEivuiotnyyomfutshelaxeixfltoraructs fhraosmbetheen lperaovveesdoftothbies hneornb-twoxaiscivnivaeasntiigmataeldmboydLeilus ient palr.e(v2i0o1u4s)r[e1p9o].rItns [a4d]d....
In Proceedings of the Yellowknife Geoscience Forum: Geoscience and Exploration, Online, 24–26 November 2021. 37. Maurice, Y.T. Gold, Tin, Uranium and Other Elements in the Proterozoic Nonacho Sediments and Adjacent Basement Rocks near MacInnis Lake, District of Mackenzie; Paper 84-1A; ...