Synonym(s):ligamentum splenorenale[TA],lienorenal ligament☆ ,ligamentum lienorenale☆ Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 sple·no·re·nal lig·a·ment (splē'nō-rē'năl lig'ă-mĕnt) [TA] A peritoneal fold (portion of the greater omentum) that extends from the di...
Definition Tetanus is an infectious disease of all species that results in persistent hypertonia of the striated muscles with clonic paroxysmal muscular spasms superimposed. The causative agent is Clostridium tetani (C. tetani). Synonym(s) Lockjaw Epidemiology Risk Factors • Entry of organisms into ...
“To call the world God is not to explain it; it is only to enrich our language with a superfluous synonym for the word ‘world’.” –Arthur Schopenhauer Science can’t explain X, therefore god/theism. God of the gaps [2]. Argument from Ignorance. Simply because you or the scientific...
is anti-phylogenetic and anti-evolutionary in spirit and distorts our picture of phylogeny. Phylogeny involves both cladistic splitting and origins of novel grades of organization; thus phylogeny is more comprehensive than cladism and should not be used as a synonym for it; sequence trees deal on...
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Comment. Although the nomen Cacopinae would be the logical derivative from the name of the nominal genus Cacops, Noble (1931) already used Cacopinae for a group of frogs including Cacopus (now synonymized with Uperodon). We thus propose the replacement Eucacopinae for the dissorophid group...