You must fly a drone under 55 lbs. You must never fly near other aircraft. This includes large airports like Newark, as well as smaller public and private airport locations You must fly in Class G airspace. If you need to fly in Class B, C, D or E controlled airspace,you need ...
I admit, I have a near-crippling love of animals. I wouldn't go so far as to say that I'm ready to join PETA or something like that, but I love all of the Earth's creatures, great and small. On the other hand, I have absolutely zero issues with people who do enjoy hunting. ...
Swathes of California and Australia are pretty much permanent firestorm zones these days. The glaciers retreat, the Arctic ice cap shrinks, a myriad migratory species still show up at their northern destinations weeks before they’re supposed to. The pine beetle furthers its westward invasion, ...
One of the big savings on no-frills balance books comes from the fact thatthey fly largely out of secondary airports at or near major cities(inLondon, out of Luton or Stansted rather than Heathrow or Gatwick). Is this a problem? Not to my mind. In fact, in some cases it can be a ...
Unnecessarily increasing travel emissions by creating trans-national sporting contests among teams with very local fan-bases strikes me as an unwelcome new direction. Commercialisation of the game has had many benefits but this is not one of them. Despite flygskam, growth of air travel has ...
Ocean coastlines are abundant sources of plant and animal life — and those in polar zones are becoming increasingly so due to climate-change-induced melting of glacial and floating ice that contains relatively large amounts of iron. Plants need iron to photosynthesize, so melting ice stimulates ...
North Korea’s “lofted” tests, which fly the missile to immense altitudes, keeping its range contained to the Sea of Japan, provide some useful data in this regard. However, a launch like this week’s gives North Korean scientists a chance to observe how the missile may perform in a ...