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Actions Projects Security Insights Additional navigation options Commit Browse filesBrowse the repository at this point in the history main nofear195committedFeb 9, 2023 1 parent02f39b6commit0aba1a6 Show file tree Hide file tree Showing30 changed fileswith12,455 additionsand1 deletion. ...
I've had this idea for a while and wanted to get it out there finally, stickers in Apex for shield cells/batts etc. have been the worst update i've seen considering I have this stupid irrational fear. I've never looked in the tab and when people have them on their accounts...
Fall Guy Dil Has No Fear
If you're wondering how could you help, fear not, there are plenty of ways :smile: Some of them are: Spread the good word about qTox to make it more popular 😄 Have an opinion? Make sure to voice it in the issues that need it 😉 Fixing easy issues or issues that need help. ...
and that is my fear here. We are already combating the, "Why do we need Teams when we have Skype" people. This will be my users first experience with Microsoft 365 as a SaaS app. We have deployed the CTR apps for years with on-prem services. Also, sometimes a Fri...