从上述解释可以看出,美国的“no-fault state”应该指的是在汽车保险或离婚方面实行无过错制度的州。 关于无过错离婚,《元照英美法词典》已经给出了比较详细的描述。下面着重看一下无过错汽车保险的相关内容,Investopedia对“no-fault insurance”的介绍如下: “No-fault insurance is intended to reduce the demands o...
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When you get into an accident with another driver, your car insurance policy can step in to help protect your finances from the fallout. However, insurance claims are settled differently depending on your state’s fault laws.
In such cases, the no-fault system still applies. As an insured driver, you have coverage nationwide. As long as you have the legal minimum automotive insurance required by your home state, you can claim no-fault benefits after an out-of-state accident. This should be the case even if y...
no-fault (nō′fôlt′) adj. 1.Of or related to a form of state-mandated automobile insurance that compensates a policy holder who becomes an accident victim, regardless of who is at fault. 2.LawOf or related to a type of divorce that is granted without requiring proof of fault or ...
no-fault adjective 1 :of, relating to, or being a motor vehicle insurance plan under which someone injured in an accident is compensated usually up to a stipulated limit for especially actual losses (as for property damage, medical bills, and lost wages) by that person's own insurer regardle...
New Zealand has a no-fault accident compensation scheme (known as ACC 新西兰有一个无过失事故赔偿制度。 MultiUn However, many others suffer grievously through no fault of their own. 然而,许多人虽然没有做错事,却要平白经历许多痛苦。 有些人身患顽症。 jw2019 Draft principle # must be ...
It is important to note that, in the United States, there is no “pure” no-fault state. An individual injured in an accident still may be able to file a claim against an at-fault party if they fulfill specific requirements or exceed specific limits. These are known as thresholds, and ...
New York is a No-Fault automobile accident state. ParaCrawl Corpus Si la respuesta es "sí", entonces el proveedor pagará sus facturas médicas, bajo el seguro No Fault. If the answer is “yes”, then that carrier will pay your medical bills, under No Fault Insurance. ParaCrawl Corp...
No passing the buck here, it’s your fault too!!! I joined a group of people, individuals years ago who gathered together to form a bigger part of a group of people, individuals trying to stop Monsanto’s from some issue Monsanto’s was involved with at that time. I thought I was ...