Although no-fault insurance was intended to lower the costs of compensating people involved in car accidents by taking most of these cases out of the court system, no-fault insurance has actually increased those costs because of rising medical claims, according to a RAND study.Rand Review Group...
no-fault insurance 英 [nəʊ fɔːlt ɪnˈʃʊərəns] 美 [noʊ fɔːlt ɪnˈʃʊrəns]n. 不追究责任的保险;无过失保险 ...
no fault insurance 不追究责任的保险 no fault divorce 【法】 不追究责任的离婚 no fault insurance phr. 无过失保险 no fault automobile insurance phr. 无过失汽车保险 at fault 有过失,有毛病,有错误,应受责备 in fault 有过失,有毛病,有错误,应受责备 seissors fault differential fault 剪断层...
no fault insurance phr. 无过失保险 no fault insurance 不追究责任的保险 no fault automobile insurance phr. 无过失汽车保险 at fault 有过失,有毛病,有错误,应受责备 in fault 有过失,有毛病,有错误,应受责备 seissors fault differential fault 剪断层 to a fault adv.过分 abnormal fault 变态...
Then there’s the matter of your auto insurance premium. Unless your policy includes theaccident forgiveness endorsement, an at-fault collision can be a costly mistake. It takes about six years for a collision to no longer factor into the premium you pay. ...
从上述解释可以看出,美国的“no-fault state”应该指的是在汽车保险或离婚方面实行无过错制度的州。 关于无过错离婚,《元照英美法词典》已经给出了比较详细的描述。下面着重看一下无过错汽车保险的相关内容,Investopedia对“no-fault insurance”的介绍如下: “No-fault insurance is intended to reduce the demands ...
The meaning of NO-FAULT is of, relating to, or being a motor vehicle insurance plan under which someone involved in an accident is compensated usually up to a stipulated limit for actual losses (as for property damage, medical bills, and lost wages) by t
aA state-run, no-fault insurance system that provides income provides income protection for workers experiencing job-related injuries or illnesses. 提供收入的一个国立,不追究过失责任的保险系统为工作者提供收入防护 体验有关工作的伤害或病症。 [translate] ...
3) non-fault insurance of motor vehicle 机动车无过失保险 4) non-overload 无过载 1. Improved Design of Non-Overload Super-Low Specific Speed Centrifugal Pump; 无过载超低比转速离心泵改型设计 2. Research on the Performance Forecasting of a Non-overload Double-channel Sewage Pump; ...
JUSTICE AND NO-FAULT INSURANCEdoi:10.1111/j.1468-0114.1976.tb07421.xRogerPilonWileyPersonalistJustice and No-Fault Insurance - Pilon - 1976