例如,如果您想运行名为my_executable的可执行文件,并且它位于名为my_package的包中,您应该使用以下命令: bash ros2 run my_package my_executable 根据错误提示,查找可能的原因和解决方案: 如果在尝试运行可执行文件时仍然收到“no executable found”错误,请仔细检查错误消息中的包名和可执行文件名是否与您期望...
Describe the bug I ran a command ros2 run urg_node urg_node on ROS2 dashing environment. That results the message No executable found. Environments OS: Ubuntu 18.04 Software Version: latest of ros2-devel branch (cb0efdc) LiDAR: URG-04LX-...
Hi, I followed the getting started guide to install ros-humble with mamba however it seems that the demo python packages are not working (I have not tried with building my own yet so can't confirm if it is all python packages). The cpp example packages do work though. For the below, ...
先道个歉,鼻炎患者,演奏发出不雅声音!把谱子认完了,还不是太熟,欢迎大家批评!恳请大家专业建议!后续正式钢琴伴奏版本将会在以后公布。乐谱问题:网页搜索 ney rosauro先生的网站可免费获得独奏版乐谱,如有伴奏谱需求可在网站购买。如有链接需要,请私信我。感谢常州
在使用ROS2时,使用colcon build编译时,报错如下: 1Starting >>>fishbot_navigation22---stderr: fishbot_navigation23Traceback (most recent call last):4File"/opt/ros/foxy/share/ament_cmake_core/cmake/core/package_xml_2_cmake.py", line21,in<module>5fromcatkin_pkg.package import parse_package_...
2 Op. 6 "Martiros Saryan" (1961) I. Maestoso [0:00] II. Intermezzo [16:57] III. Lento [20:58] IV. Allegro con fuoco [32:19] Grand Symphony Orchestra of TV and Radio, URSS conducted by Evgeny Svetlanov Recorded live 28 December 1966...
一枪很疼的。步骤/方法 1 A路线 先清理大门 2 左边 清理 3 B路线 绕过正门 从外围走 看小地图 4 剪开 5 AB两线的集结地 后院 敌人很多 2楼狙击 6 进门 1楼 看小地图 7 地下室 a保险箱 b气阀 8 目标。9 最后 老规矩,装炸弹 跑啊~~~Tony Rosato家族没了……注意事项 健康游戏 请勿沉迷 ...
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named'catkin_pkg' CMake Error at /opt/ros/foxy/share/ament_cmake_core/cmake/core/ament_package_xml.cmake:94 (message): execute_process(/home/ros2/miniconda3/bin/python3 /opt/ros/foxy/share/ament_cmake_core/cmake/core/package_xml_2_cmake.py ...
Description of the problem: EtherCAT can work normally under the root user, but it cannot work normally after adding sudo setcap cap_net_admin, cap_net_raw+ep to the compiled target file. It seems that after adding sudo, you cannot link to your own ros2 package lib. How to solve it?