本次我们给大家带来的是2008-2022年全国范围的逐年的NO2栅格数据,原始数据格式为NetCDF (.nc),空间分辨率为1km和10km两种(其中:2008-2018年为10km,2019-2022年为1km),单位为ug/m3,坐标系为WGS_1984。为了方便大家使用,我们将数据格式转换为了栅格格式(.tif)。 数据来源于韦晶博士、李占清教授团队发布在国家...
This can be achieved via setting the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS: OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 ginan/Ginan-x86_64.AppImage Scripts In addition to the Ginan binaries, scripts are available to assist with downloading input files, and viewing and comparing generated outputs. Acknowledgements: We ...
A two-dimensional triangular mesh generator with pre- and post-processing utilities written in pure MATLAB (no toolboxes required) designed specifically to build models that solve shallow-water equations or wave equations in a coastal environment (ADCIRC
setenv AR xiarI do not have an xiar in C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\ComposerXE-2011\bin\intel64, which is where ifort and icl are, nor do I find an xiar anywhere under the Intel directory.Has xiar been replaced, or is there an alternative choice for the AR environment variable?
I don't understand why you chose to do READ ncid instead of PRINT ncid after the NetCDF call. I suspect that you have a corrupt PATH environment variable. The Windows error 0xC000007B is usually attributable to attempting to use a 64-bit DLL from a 32-bit program or vice versa. ...
本次我们给大家带来的是2008-2022年全国范围的逐月的NO2栅格数据,原始数据格式为NetCDF (.nc),空间分辨率为1km和10km两种(其中:2008-2018年为10km,2019-2022年为1km),单位为ug/m3,坐标系为WGS_1984。为了方便大家使用,我们将数据格式转换为了栅格格式(.tif)。
After the installation, I activated the newly created environment: conda activate pymc_env and opened up a jupyter notebook. When I try to importpymc, I'm getting the error message that thepymc.modelmodule does not exist. I tried to search bugs, forum, stack overflow, but I couldn't fin...
If gdalXXX.dll is in the PATH, then set the USE_PATH_FOR_GDAL_PYTHON=YES environment variable to feed the PATH into os.add_dll_directory(). Sorry, something went wrong. Copy link Member rouaultcommentedAug 8, 2023 @jratike80https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/436796/ogrinfo-missing-...
setenv AR xiarI do not have an xiar in C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\ComposerXE-2011\bin\intel64, which is where ifort and icl are, nor do I find an xiar anywhere under the Intel directory.Has xiar been replaced, or is there an alternative choice for the AR environment variable?