Mark Gatiss’ revival of A Ghost Story for Christmas, a British strand of one-off specials infrequently aired around the holidays since 1971, continues with what is possibly its best entry yet: Lot No. 249. The League of Gentlemen alum has maintained a substantial interest in horror, much li...
When the results of the 18th Lok Sabha poll out,no woman candidate from any political parties in Kerala could find a place in Indian parliament. All the women aspirants in 2024 LS election lost to their male rivals .Sitting MP Ramya Haridas lost in Alathur .Here,the winner is K Radhakris...
He had contested in Loksabha election from Vatakara constituency in 1991. He contested as an independent candidate,supported by the UDF. ‘Congress-League-BJP coalition’ was a negative campaign against his candidature from the opposing front.But,Ratnasingh lost to his rival ,then LDF candidate K...
Kuttey may be full of criminals, but its biggest crime is the sheer waste of powerhouse talent in the form of Tabu, Konkona, Kumud Mishra, Radhika Madan, and a host of other talented ensemble actors who appear and disappear in the movie as stock characters (gangster, henchman, police ins...
Empyema is a purulent an infection of the pleural space that develops when the infectious agent gains entry by contiguous spread from an contaminated lung through a bronchopleural fistula or, less often, by extension of an abdominal an infection by way of the diaphragm. Symptoms are usually insid...
This repo contains a list of the 10,000 most common English words in order of frequency, as determined by n-gram frequency analysis of the Google's Trillion Word Corpus. - google-10000-english/google-10000-english-usa-no-swears-medium.txt at master · fi
The Jawahar Kala Kendra in Jaipur is dedicated to Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru, the country’s first prime minister after Independence. The importance of arts and ... Read More Gatore Ki Chhatriyan Jaipur – Entry Fee, Timing, Location
“It would be best to avoid any reference to OIL in discussing Iran.” Because winning hearts and minds was key, Brown wanted a story showing “a strong bond of friendship” between Buz and an Iranian pilot named Sandhu, the purpose of which was to “provide entry of Buz into local ...
Without the previous Saudi largesse, the economic sanctions following Pakistan’s entry to the global nuclear club could have had a significantly more crippling effect on the country, goes the argument. Yet, the stakes are much higher for Pakistan at a time when its increasingly challenged ...
At one point I worked with a person whose wife was an art historian. She used to run these custom tours of Delhi for expats, as most of her guests came via embassies I am sure she made good money doing it. These days it is even simpler to start something like these because you can...