FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "xx.xx.xx.xx", user "postgres", database "postgres", no encryption 1. 在postgresql 根路径下的 data/pg_hba.conf 下添加报错信息提示的IP、用户名、数据库名,如: host postgres postgres xx.xx.xx.xx/32 trust 1. 最后重启 postgresql...
Failed to setup Command Center instance gpmon: Exception encountered while fetching GPDB version info Connection error for query select version();: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "::1", user "gpmon", database "gpperfmon", SSL off 1. 2. 这个问题以前我们也遇到过,在用pgAdminIII连接G...
1 #su - postgres$pg_ctl reload -D XXX(注,XXX表示:当前存放pg_hba.conf文件的路径) 4、连接成功
解决办法: 修改pg_hba.conf,在第一行添加一行: host all all md5 表示允许任何用户连接到任何数据库,用一个加密的密码
28000: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "", database "postgres", SSL off Here the issue was due to PostgreSQL database has ssl_min_protocol_version set to TLSV1.2 expecting a encrypted connection and the client connection was not using any encryption. I've resolved the issue by...
ProgresSql 连接 ssl off 错误 vim /var/lib/pgsql/10/data/pg_hba.conf最后一行修改# TYPE DATABASE USER CIDR-ADDRESS METHODhostall all md5 systemctlrestartpostgresql-10.service 智能推荐 【Tools】 VSCode Debug 报 g++.exe No such file or directory fatal error no input files.. 的解...
error: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "", user "hypex", database "Hyper", no encryption obs: I cant enter my database, its the same error again Its internal error? I doing something bad?, any solution? node.js postgresql rabbitmq nestjs Share Follow edited Feb 22 at...
failed to backup 这个通过在pg_hba.conf中加上 host replication all ...
Fix pg_hba.conf to allow access for the JBoss ON server's IP to the database. - Please check Configuring PostgreSQL for JON for more information.Root Cause That error message means that it has connected to the Postgres database on xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, but the pg_hba.conf file for Postgres...