✅ No signal on monitor after booting up:Hello there,recently, I've been getting no signal input from my pc to my monitor after booting up for the first time. When I restart using the power...
✅ no signal on monitor:Pc randomly turned off and now says no signal on monitor. I tried a different monitor and cable same thing...
是说显示器没有接收到信号 显示器进入睡眠状态 估计主要是显卡问题 建议你重新拔插下显卡 或重装系统
首先检查电脑和显示器之间的连接线是否松动(最好先关闭显示器),如果松动,按牢固。 这个提示是表明,显示器接受不到电脑的信号了,如果连接没有问题,那么最可能出问题的是显卡/其次是主板/其次是显示器。
No signal on monitor after upgrade GPU I have a problem, I upgraded my GPU with a XFX Radeon RX 6600 XT Speedster SWFT 210 Core Gaming 8GB GDDR6 128-bit, from an gtx 1050ti g1 gaming 4gb. when i boot my pc at first the GPU fans worked, i put my password and then on monitor ...
Discover 10 effective solutions to resolve the "No DP Signal from your device Dell monitor error. Find fixing methods to ensure a seamless display.
2. Swapped different DP ports/changed cables3. "I turned on UEFI and set the CSM auto" from this thread (https://community.amd.com/t5/drivers-software/quot-displayport-no-signal-quot-after-installing-the-g...) After doing this, the monitor first switches off, then swi...
No signal on Monitor Hi, I have an early 2009 Mac Pro which has always worked. I have it connected to a monitor. The computer powers on but the monitor says there is no signal. The monitor works perfectly because I have a laptop attached it. The Mac Pro has an ATI Radeon HD 4870...