戴尔up2716d显示器no dp signal from your device怎么办 提示未接受到信号,一般是内存条或显卡松动或氧化而接触不良,或显示器数据族租差线接触不良,或内存、显卡、显示器或数据线损坏。处理建议:1.如果显示器通电但显示无信号,则关机(如果短按电源开关无效则长按开关
亲,根据您描述的情况,显示器突然黑屏并提示没有来自设备的DP信号。这里我给出以下几点建议:1. 重新检查显示器和电脑的DP接口是否连接牢固,有没有松动,接口是否有弯曲或碎裂等物理问题。2. 尝试更换一根新的DP显示线,排除线材故障问题。3. 在电脑端,关闭装置管理器中显示适配器,然后重新启用,让...
针对“no dp signal from your device”的问题,以下是一些可能的解决步骤,这些步骤主要基于硬件连接和设置,不涉及特定的编程或代码片段: 1. 确认设备连接状态 确保DP(DisplayPort)线缆已正确连接到电脑和显示器的相应端口。 检查线缆是否有物理损坏,如弯折、断裂等。 2. 检查设备的电源和开启状态 确保电脑和显示器...
Unplug and reconnect the DP cable to resolve the ‘No DP Signal From Your Device’ error. A loose cable is what usually causes the errors. A damaged DisplayPort, loose cable, or broken/substandard cable can all cause the ‘No DP signal from your device’ error. While at it, ensure no ...
The following could cause the “No DP signal from your device” error: The monitor’s DisplayPort may be damaged. The cable may be plugged loosely in the port. The DisplayPort cable is broken, frayed, or substandard. Use the DisplayPort cable on another monitor to confirm if it’s in good...
It is said that a lower refresh rate will likely lead to the screen not working properly like flickering. In this case, you need to adjust the refresh rate of the monitor to fix the no DP signal from your device. 1.Go toStart>Settings>System. ...
✅ no dp signal from your device:Hi.When I turn on my PC, monitors wake up, but during the startup, this message apears "no dp signal from your device", and the monitors go to sleep.I...