那是因为CFX存在一个默认计算域,如果你导入一个网格,那么它将自行设定一个default domain,而你还没导入网格,所以默认域不可用,即无法定义。你可以将默认计算域关闭,这样就不会出现这个提示了。这是正常情况
大佬们为什么我在CFX里出现了no domains have 只看楼主 收藏 回复god 白丁 1 大佬们为什么我在CFX里出现了no domains have been defined,模型没导入进去扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示...
how to create single sign on for multiple domains How to create stored procedure programatically in sql-server using c# How to create template in excel based report using c#? how to create unique id generation automatically How To Create URL Rewrite In ASP.NET C# using MVC #? how to create...
You now have the capability to look at the type parameters on a generic function. All of the arguments with TypeArgs in the name help to describe the classes of the type arguments for this instantiation of this function. For example, consider a generic function defined like this: ...
It has been used in clinical and research settings and translated into several languages45,46,47. The ASQ assesses five developmental domains. For each domain, six skills are described, to which parents answer “yes”, “sometimes”, or “not yet” depending on whether or not their child ...
and perhaps the most striking GRDs were those describing the negative effects of lacking such familiarity. The following quote illustrates a situation in which a woman describes her sense of being lost in an unfamiliar care system, which also defined the role of family differently than was the ...