DELL U2414H显示器连接后出现"No DisplayPort Cable"提示,意味着当前系统未能检测到正确的连接线。这通常由两种情况引起:一是在显示器与电脑之间的连接线未正确连接,二是显示器的屏上显示(OSD)菜单配置不当。若在OSD菜单中错误配置了输入端口,OSD主屏幕将不会显示。解决这一问题的步骤如下:首先,...
亲亲,戴尔显示器开机显示no displayport cable在一般情况下,该错误是由于未在显示屏和计算机之间正确地连接电缆或者液晶显示屏的屏上显示(OSD)菜单的配置引起的。如果为不同于活动视频信号的端口配置了屏上显示,则OSD主屏幕将不显示。要更改显示屏上的输入,请按下按钮,此时将显示输入菜单,请使用按钮#...
2. Confirm that the monitor displays the output signal Check the wiring connection between the graphics card and the monitor, make sure that the signal cable (VGA / DVI / HDMI / DisplayPort) is connected well on the monitor end, as shown in the figure below, and make sure that the input...
2. Confirm that the monitor displays the output signal Check the wiring connection between the graphics card and the monitor, make sure that the signal cable (VGA / DVI / HDMI / DisplayPort) is connected well on the monitor end, as shown in the figure below, and make sure that the input...
2. Confirm that the monitor displays the output signal Check the wiring connection between the graphics card and the monitor, make sure that the signal cable (VGA / DVI / HDMI / DisplayPort) is connected well on the monitor end, as shown in the figure below, and make sure that the input...
2. Confirm that the monitor displays the output signal Check the wiring connection between the graphics card and the monitor, make sure that the signal cable (VGA / DVI / HDMI / DisplayPort) is connected well on the monitor end, as shown in the figure below, and make sure that the input...
2. Confirm that the monitor displays the output signal Check the wiring connection between the graphics card and the monitor, make sure that the signal cable (VGA / DVI / HDMI / DisplayPort) is connected well on the monitor end, as shown in the figure below, and make sure that the input...