Opmerking: Als u een nieuw bestand maakt, wordt het bestand of de website opgeslagen in het teamkanaal. Als u kanaalleden wilt opslaan en op de hoogte wilt stellen van uw koppeling, maakt u een koppeling in een kanaalbericht. Zie Een OneNote-notitieblok...
la locul de muncă se actualizează automat atunci când vă conectați dispozitivul la un monitor de birou sau la o periferică dintr-o sală Bring Your Device (BYOD). Vedeți cine se află în apropiere: vedeți ce membri din chaturile dvs. 1:1 sau de gru...
O Microsoft Teams permite que equipas individuais se organizem e colaborem em cenários empresariais: As equipassão coleções de pessoas, conteúdos e ferramentas que envolvem diferentes projetos e resultados numa organização. As equipes podem ser criadas para serem particulares e apenas...
The ThinkSmart Hub 500 will no longer receive active development support after October 2025. This means no further software updates will be provided. Any software or support resources from Lenovo will be offered “AS...
O centro para o trabalho em equipa no Microsoft 365: reúna pessoas, conversas e conteúdo no mesmo lugar.
How to switch new Teams? There's no such option.Microsoft Teams Microsoft Teams A Microsoft customizable chat-based workspace. 8,879 questions Sign in to follow 0 comments No comments Report a concern I have the same question 0 {count} votes Sign in to comment Accepted answer Ran...
Open Microsoft Teams. Click on your profile picture in the top right corner. Select "Settings." In the "General" section, ensure the "Auto-start application" option is enabled. Verify Registry Settings: Open the Registry Editor (regedit). ...
Starting Aug 5, 2024, you will not be able to configure connectors for groups in Outlook on the Web and New Outlook for Windows.
I'm using MacOS Teams v1.6.00.27656 on MacOS 14.0 on my work O365 account. I do not see a toggle to switch the new Teams in the top-left of my Teams app. I also do not see an option to "Report a Problem" under the Help menu in the bottom-left (it only s...
5. Update Teams Launch Teams and click themenu button(three horizontal dots in the top right corner). Select theCheck for updatesoption. Finally, install any available updates. 6. Disable other cameras Press theWindowskey +Xand select theDevice Manageroption. ...