aThe results illustrate that chronic cerebral ischemia can down-regulate the expression of PSD95 significantly that affects synaptic plasticity and integrity. 结果说明慢性大脑局部缺血可能下来极大调控影响突触神经的可塑性和正直PSD95的表示。 [translate] a喜欢 开始 [translate] aMeasures construed based on ...
Standard Deviation (%) 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Class Y - Without Sales Charge (NAV) 17.66 18.34 15.90 Sharpe Ratio (%) 3 Years 5 Years 10 Years Class Y - Without Sales Charge (NAV) 0.36 0.65 0.79 Performance data quoted represents past performance, which does not guarantee future...
such asneurotoxicityor carcinogenesis, can be excluded in the lower dosage range. This problem is not as important as it may appear at first, because the frequency of an effect can be increased by increasing the
Problematic pornography use (PPU) has been extensively studied in terms of its negative implications for various life domains. The empirical literature rev
Recent studies have used this method in MDD. One of the largest examined a total sample of 922 people (463 with MDD and 459 health controls) and sequenced RNA from whole blood2. A relatively small number of genes were found to be associated with MDD (29) at a very relaxed false ...
In the Gender Discrimination Task (GDT), the same images were shown, but participants had to respond according to the target's gender. In line with previous studies, we found an effect of valence only in EDT, where fearful targets increased reaction times and omission error rates compared to...
Answer to: Discovery Sampling is a sampling method that requires that no additional samples be tested once the first error is found. A. True B...
It was found that this relation depends on the phase of the quasi-biennial oscillation in the stratospheric equatorial wind. Such a correlation usually intensifies if only the episodes of negative anomalies caused by the transport of stratospheric air masses from the ozone-hole region are taken ...
Then add the standard deviation of noise of 0.45 to ICEEMDAN for 1000 times, and the maximum number of iterations is allowed to be 40,000, which fully avoided the influence of noises on the results. The decomposition results of the two buses are shown in Figure 5. The fluctuation ...
In many species, ejaculation is followed by a state of decreased sexual activity, the post-ejaculatory refractory period. Several lines of evidence have suggested prolactin, a pituitary hormone released around the time of ejaculation in humans and other