Thermo Scientific Pierce DSS(也称为双琥珀酰亚胺辛二酸酯)是不可裂解的膜可穿透性交联剂,在 8 个碳原子间隔臂的每个末端有一个胺反应性 N-羟基琥珀酰亚胺 (NHS) 酯。NHS 酯在 pH 7-9 条件下与伯胺反应可形成稳定的酰胺键,同时释放 N-羟基琥珀酰亚胺离去基团。蛋白(包括抗体)通常在赖氨酸 (K) 残基的...
Thermo Scientific Pierce DSS(也称为双琥珀酰亚胺辛二酸酯)是不可裂解的膜可穿透性交联剂,在 8 个碳原子间隔臂的每个末端有一个胺反应性 N-羟基琥珀酰亚胺 (NHS) 酯。NHS 酯在 pH 7-9 条件下与伯胺反应可形成稳定的酰胺键,同时释放 N-羟基琥珀酰亚胺离去基团。蛋白(包括抗体)通常在赖氨酸 (K) 残基的...
players may have evaded restrictions by using a VPN73. Our within-participant sample intentionally included individuals who appeared to play in China before regulation, but could appear in any country postregulation, thereby allowing us to analyse individuals who may have been using VPNs: no reduc...
players may have evaded restrictions by using a VPN73. Our within-participant sample intentionally included individuals who appeared to play in China before regulation, but could appear in any country postregulation, thereby allowing us to analyse individuals who may have been using VPNs: no reduc...
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