In Production environment, messages are continuously repeated with below exception and filling up the Managed Server log. com.mslv.oms.dataaccesslayer.ProxyException: ORA-01403: no data found ERROR --- java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01403: no data found ORA-06512: at line 1 at oracle.jdbc.driver...
针对“无法加载响应数据: no data found”这一问题,我们可以从以下几个方面进行排查和解决: 1. 检查数据源连接是否正常 步骤:确保你的应用程序或接口能够成功连接到数据源(如数据库、API等)。 示例:如果是数据库连接问题,检查数据库连接字符串是否正确,数据库服务是否运行正常。 代码示例(以数据库连接为例,假设使...
database error or no data found是说网站数据库错误,没有找到数据!是网站的问题……是这样的IE7和firefox,都有这个问题,建议下个遨游或降为IE6就行了……
nvl只对null值处理,而select t_id into v_id from table是返回空记录。 2.2:捕获异常,用exception when no_data_found then 处理一下。 declare v_cnt number(10); begin select id into v_cnt from tt where 1=2; exception when no_data_found then raise_application_error(-20012,'error'); --dbm...
@kov-serg's issue describes that when they set the download location to a directory that doesn't have the file, they get the errorError: No data found!, which I think is expected. it still belive you have 100% of a.txt However, now that I read again the description, the real bug...
AnSQL statementyou tried to execute returned a message indicating no data was found for aquery, or no rows were affected by the action (Insert,Update,Delete) statement you attempted to execute. This may be a valid response, however, in cases where you issue a query expecting no data orrow...
database error or no data found说网站数据库错误没有找数据网站问题……样IE7和firefox都有问题建议下遨游或降IE6行了……
raise_application_error(-20006,'没有发现数据'); end; 注意:如果该处不用聚合函数直接写成select max(sal) into tem from emp1 where empno=1; 那么还是会报no_data_found异常,至于原因下文会详细解释。 3)在select inot 之前先作一下判断 select count(1) into tem from emp where empno=1; ...
数据库错误 或 没有(可用)数据
when no_data_found then /*RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20000, 'no data found');*/--抛出自定义的异常也行 raise program_error; end; 这样,当再执行到该句时,立刻转到异常处理块,抛出一个非NO_DATA_FOUND异常,调用者不认识,认为是一个错误或者很严重的异常,只能报错给客户端了。