Ctrl+Shift+Up/Down 代码向上/下移动 Ctrl+Alt+ left/right 返回至上次浏览的位置 Ctrl+home 光标移动到文档开头 Ctrl+down 光标移动到文档结尾处 Fn+left/right 光标移动到行开头或结尾 Ctrl+[或者] 可以跳到大括号的开头结尾 亮度: Ctrl+Shift+F7 高亮显示所选该文本,按Esc高亮消失。 F2 或Shift+F2 高亮...
xmodmap: up to 4 keys per modifier, (keycodes in parentheses): shift Shift_L (0x32), Shift_R (0x3e) lock Caps_Lock (0x42) control Control_L (0x25), Control_R (0x69) mod1 Alt_L (0x40), Alt_L (0xcc), Meta_L (0xcd), Meta_R (0xfd) mod2 Num_Lock (0x4d) mod3 Super...
alt+shift+right Insert a new column to the left of the cursor position. alt+shift+up Kill the current row or horizontal line. alt+shift+down Insert a new row above the current row. alt+up Move current row up alt+down Move current row down ...
Ctrl+Shift +/ 解除注释 Ctrl+R 运⾏查询窗⼝的sql语句 Ctrl+Shift+R 只运⾏选中的sql语句 Ctrl+T 停⽌运⾏ F6 打开⼀个mysql命令⾏窗⼝ Ctrl+L 删除⼀⾏ Ctrl+N 打开⼀个新的查询窗⼝ Ctrl+W 关闭⼀个查询窗⼝ Ctrl+D (复制当前⾏) 表的数据...
With Photoshop closed, press and hold Shift+Ctrl+Alt (Win) / Shift+Command+Option (Mac) on your keyboard and then Launch Photoshop the way you normally would.https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/using/preferences.html#Manually Thanks, Cory - Photoshop Product M...
VK_TAB0x09TAB key -0x0A-0BReserved VK_CLEAR0x0CCLEAR key VK_RETURN0x0DENTER key -0x0E-0FUnassigned VK_SHIFT0x10SHIFT key VK_CONTROL0x11CTRL key VK_MENU0x12ALT key VK_PAUSE0x13PAUSE key VK_CAPITAL0x14CAPS LOCK key VK_KANA0x15IME Kana mode ...
RControl VK_RCONTROL The right Ctrl key Alt VK_MENU The Alt key LAlt VK_LMENU The left Alt key RAlt VK_RMENU The right Alt key Shift VK_SHIFT The Shift key LShift VK_LSHIFT The left Shift key RShift VK_RSHIFT The right Shift key Win VK_WIN The Windows logo key LWin VK_LWIN The...
C Ctrl S Shift TAB Tabulator RET Return, Enter, CRLF UP arrow: up DOWN arrow: down LEFT arrow: left RIGHT arrow: right SPC Space 1.1 activating Org-mode http://orgmode.org/org.html#Activation http://orgmode.org/worg/org-configs/org-customization-guide.html Activation of Org-mode (exte...
Steps to reproduce Open Teampass Insert some text to serach box upper right Hit Return Expected behaviour Teampass can show the result Actual behaviour No result are showed and a blank popup appear Server configuration Operating system: ...
[Desktop Entry] Name=appendfilename GenericName=appendfilename Comment= Exec=/home/vk/src/misc/vk-appendfilename-interactive-wrapper-with-gnome-terminal.sh %F Icon= Terminal=true Type=Application Categories=Application;Graphics; hidden=false MimeType=image/*;video/*;image/mpo;image/thm Categories=X-...