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skills and variation required for playing each type of game. Depending on the winnings and success achieved, the new player can shift from a regular black jack to a game of baccarat slots or craps. Also, a casino website that offers several limits such as high or low stakes on their game...
Technological advances meant that more oil and gasoline than ever before was required to maintain daily life, but the U.S. was producing less and less oil domestically. This would ultimately develop into the 1973 oil crisis. The economy also took an overall hit this year—GDP growth was only...
Other than the fact that they are discriminated against as blacks–there’s the nod to the required dogma–they don’t appear to be black in any serious way. Indeed you could make a case that they are not WASP white but perhaps Jewish white in disguise. The unusual credit card scene ...
I wasn’t cleaning out the cash advance limits on all my credit cards–I wasn’t even sure how on a couple of them, although I didn’t tell them that. (Had I tried to cash out my 401K and remaining mutual funds my financial adviser for the past 32 years would have told me to ...
and I didn't think I'd have a problem at all getting a mortgage to get a home. But they basically said to me, 'You are 22 years old, just out of college. You have never worked, you don't have any credit history, and by the way you've been drafted by the Pistons. And they...
elected government over the past months where these officials claimed Pakistan did not have the technology required to shoot down U.S. spy planes that violate Pakistani airspace. (If I had a penny for every time senior retired Pakistani officers stated the obvious truths to the public, I’d ...
If a really hard push were required, the U.S. government might begin to establish relations with the Shia tribes that inhabit the oil regions of eastern Arabia. Day after day after day, hundreds of Saudi (and Jordanian) fighters, directed by American AWACS radar planes, could systematically ...
of being sexy and feminine. Of course, many also admit that this is itself constructed by culture—we’ve come to see heels as one of the major indicators of femininity, to the point that women are often required (tacitly or explicitly) to wear heels in order to present themselves as pro...
Rihanna's 'Kiss It Better' and 'Needed Me' EDM Remixes Are Perfect for Summer '16 BØRNS Cover of ZAYN's 'It's You' Might Be Better Than The Original Amanda Bynes Still Twitter Silent Despite Recent Updates Pusha T Raises the Bar With 'Drug Dealers Anonymous' The Steve Miller Band...