Soft checks happen when you prequalify for a personal loan or receive a credit card offer in the mail. A hard credit check requires your consent. It’s triggered when you submit a formal application for credit, like a mortgage or car loan, and it usually causes your credit score to dip...
What to know first:Regardless of the student loan type, it's best to start with federal loans. Most don’t require a credit check, and they come with competitive fixed rates and robust borrower protections. You can also pursue private student loans to supplement federal funding. ...
Prequalification offered Cons Tougher eligibility requirements:Autopay must be set up before closing Funding can take up to seven days Loan amount$5,000 to $80,000 APR7.99% to 23.25% Interest Rate TypeFixed Min. credit score680 Turnaround TimeAs soon as 2 business days ...