When we desperately needed a newer car, we bought it at 24% interest. We could afford the payment and our credit was bad. We had no choice but to pay. Our last car was purchased at 6% interest and we are barely affording it because the pri...
Borrower or borrowers names? Middle Credit Score? Property address? Total sq. ft.? What type of property? Owner occupied or investment? If owner occupied what type of business?Sq ft and rent per month per unit?Property estimated value: ...
No word on the profit margin here, but I assume it is close to what we see in theaters. So if you want to support your local AMC, rent new releases through them. Hopefully, this initiative gives them some extra cash flow and allows them to keep people employed and locations open while...
check for more details on www.cloggingexpo.com Attend and perform at the world's largest Oktoberfest! Sound of Music Tour in Austria Visit Paris, France Tour the Black Forest of Germany Castle tours Carmakers tours Jewelry makers tours & much more! The Doubletoe Times Magazine of Clogging ...