小羊打酱油 关注 私信 精华:0帖 求助:0帖 帖子:1帖 | 1回 年度积分:0 历史总积分:51 注册:2019年7月24日 发表于:2019-09-03 13:17:03 楼主 示教器开机就报,还没进到操作界面,这谁遇到过?大神进来讲讲 NO Connection to KRC possible 分享到: 收藏 邀请回答 回复楼主 举报 ...
I am using it for rostering staff. If I have a staff member off, I want the cell to remain either blank or with a 0 for their hours on that day. I have the "30" in to remove their break time. Current forumlar is: =MOD(D8-C8,1)-TIME(0,30,0) Any help would be great! =I...
aa=0&bb=Ap%F3lice+de+Seguro&cc=1028&from=documentos with cookie "CLinkLanguage=en; __utma=232844939.1396040569.1356709687.1357294077.1357902500.12; __utmz=232844939.1356709687.1.1.utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); __utmb=232844939.24.10.1357902500; symfony=e0lpbkrcu0bidkpiujd...
Also, the feedback hub isn't working properly, because it is missing essential packages from the Microsoft Store - which is not available in any edition of Windows Server. You may need to install these packages within the Store. Hope that will be fixed in the nex...
Today is Nakba Day. Nakba means... disaster. It commemorates the displacement of Palestine in 1948 by a band of intruders with NO GENETIC CONNECTION to the land. The theft of Palestine was carried out at a distance and reinforced by a massive fabrication. The World just went along because ...
The improvement in the current road plan will allow for a faster and simpler connection to the center of Chavan with Tabriz and the neighborhood village. Figure 4. Main activities/structures currently threatening the No-Ras qanat stability and use. (A) Railway; (B) gas pipeline debris area;...
Hi all, Looking for help with an =MOD I am using it for rostering staff. If I have a staff member off, I want the cell to remain either blank or with a 0 for their hours on that day. I have t... DanR115 =IF(OR(C8:D8="OFF"), "", MOD(D8-C8,1)-T...