No connected devices found; please connect a device, or see for getting started instructions image.png 解决办法:
一、问题: 使用夜神模拟器出现no connected devices, 意思就是没有连接设备,如下图 二、分析: 可能就是没有开启nox中的adb.exe,而如果你在任务管理器中看到了adb.exe可能那个是android studio本身自带的adb.exe。而我们使用nox就必须要用其nox_adb.exe。 三、解决: 1、在cmd进入夜神模拟器安装路径下的bin,输...
1.关闭Android Studio; 2.进入到你的flutter sdk目录中,然后找到bin/cache/lockfile文件,删除它(本人flutter sdk路径为:C:\Program Files\Android\flutter\bin\cache); 3.重启Android Studio即可。
i am using the Android Studion 3.3 on Windows 10. i have created a emulator and it is running manually for the AVD manager but when i Click on Run Button the fallowing messageBox sappers No connected devices found; please connect a device, or see for getting started inst...
flutter遇到的问题 No connected devices found; please connect a device, or see for 1.首先检查了android sdk的配置android sdk配置2.检查Flutter/Dart的SDK的配置3.检查adb环境配置 android flutter 环境配置 flutter 常见错误 flutter no devices,No connected devices found; 前言:大家再使用...
Flutter:手机已经连上,但是在AS中能查看到连接上的手机,但是运行就会报错No connected devices found 【问题描述】 【检查】 1、win+R 运行命令flutter doctor -v ,没问题。 2、执行命令adb devices 3、SDK目录 4、在工程目录下,执行命令flutter doctor -v,一片惨淡。为什么会这样?思考了一会儿,想起一片博文上...
Steps to Reproduce install android studio4.0 create a new flutter project click the run button and get I did connect my device [✓] Flutter (Channel stable, v1.17.4, on Mac OS X 10.15.5 19F101, locale zh-Hans-CN) • Flutter version 1.17.4 ...
分享186 树莓派吧 ForcerOne 树莓派 No audio devices found使用的树莓派4B,安装的最新版本的桌面版。 如图所示,显示no audio device is found,我尝试进入树莓派的设置树,但是一进入audio就闪退出来了。 在网上查阅了一些帖子: 1、,这里的问题和我一模...
> No connected devices! * Try: Runwith--stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.* Get more help at ...
Build 14361 - Connected Devices Platform Services terminated. Event ID 7023 Build 14361 - Name resolution for the name wpad timed out after none of the configured DNS servers responded. Event ID 1014 Bypassing Auto Login C:\windows\system32\config\regback empty - batch file or command sequence ...