通过使用默认配置文件,我们可以避免因缺少配置文件而导致的错误。总结:解决“no configuration file provided: not found”问题需要仔细检查配置文件的路径、存在性、类型以及使用默认配置文件等方法。通过这些方法,我们可以确保应用程序或系统能够找到所需的配置信息,从而避免出现错误。在未来的工作中,我们需要更加关注配置文...
当你遇到错误消息“docker compose down no configuration file provided: not found”时,这表示Docker Compose无法在当前目录下找到docker-compose.yml配置文件。以下是对此错误的详细解释、可能的原因、解决步骤以及额外的故障排除建议: 1. 错误消息解释 错误消息“docker compose down no configuration file provided: no...
no configuration file provided: not found 报错解释: 这个错误表明Docker Compose在尝试列出服务进程时没有找到配置文件。通常情况下,Docker Compose会默认查找名为docker-compose.yml的文件,如果该文件不在当前目录或指定的目录下,就会出现这个错误。 解决方案: 确认你当前的目录是正确的,并且包含了docker-compose.yml...
在这个示例中,程序首先使用os.path.join()函数将程序的当前工作目录与配置文件的路径连接起来,然后使用os.path.exists()函数检查配置文件是否存在。如果配置文件不存在,程序将抛出FileNotFoundError异常,提示“No configuration file provided: not found”。 总结 “No configuration file provided: not found”是一个...
Error Message and Logs I am getting the next message "Help! "no configuration file provided: not found" when I am trying to set a proxy on a remote server. Steps to Reproduce connect a remote server with non-root-user validate the server...
I was also receiving this error and I had mis-spelt the file name(oops), so also doubleDouble check the spelling of your files if anyone else finds their way to this post!. I was also receiving this error and I had mis-spelt the file name(oops), so also double check spelling of...
$ sudo snap install docker docker 24.0.5 da Canonical✓ è stato installato $ ls -1 docker-compose.yml docker-compose.yml OK,but $ docker compose run --rm app ls no configuration file provided: not found :open_mouth: …
Hi. I use Laravel 8, php 7.4 I get errors 2024-05-16 00:24:12.063 [error] Laravel Extra Intellisense Error: Custom Blade Directives no configuration file provided: not found 2024-05-16 00:31:13.064 [error] Laravel Extra Intellisense Erro...
$ sudo snap install docker docker 24.0.5 da Canonical✓ è stato installato $ ls -1 docker-compose.yml docker-compose.yml OK,but $ docker compose run --rm app ls no configuration file provided: not found :open_mouth: …
如题,求助一下作者,新安装的 Debian12,每次 ssh登录欢迎页面提示 no configuration file provided: not found,在 bashrc 中没有发现到哪里有问题 SuperNG6 closed this as completed Sep 10, 2024 Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account? Sign in to comment Assi...