根据你的项目需求,编辑docker-compose.yml文件,添加或修改服务定义、网络配置、卷挂载等。 运行docker-compose相关命令,检查是否还会报告“no configuration file provided”错误: 在确认docker-compose.yml文件存在并正确配置后,尝试运行以下命令来启动服务: bash docker-compose up 如果配置文件正确且位于当前目录,上述命...
创建composetest文件夹,用于准备测试的代码、Dockerfile、docker-compose.yml等文件,后续的操作未指定目录的,默认都在该目录下操作 1、代码准备 用golang写的一个简单http server,监听8000端口,对访问的请求通过Redis进行计数,RedisHost命名为:redis,后续需要在桥接网络下创建同名的Redis容器使用 新建helloweb.go保存以下...
其中服务定义了该服务启动的每个容器的配置,就像将命令行参数传递给docker run一样,网络和数据卷的定义类似于docker network create和docker volume create。跟docker run一样,如果在Dockerfile中通过诸如CMD、EXPOSE、VOLUME和ENV这些指令指定了相关选项,那么在默认情况下,不需要在docker-compose.yml中再次指定它们。下面...
no configuration file provided: not found 报错解释: 这个错误表明Docker Compose在尝试列出服务进程时没有找到配置文件。通常情况下,Docker Compose会默认查找名为docker-compose.yml的文件,如果该文件不在当前目录或指定的目录下,就会出现这个错误。 解决方案: 确认你当前的目录是正确的,并且包含了docker-compose.yml...
$ sudo snap install docker docker 24.0.5 da Canonical✓ è stato installato $ ls -1 docker-compose.yml docker-compose.yml OK,but $ docker compose run --rm app ls no configuration file provided: not found :open_mouth: …
Here is my docker-compose.yml version: '3.1' services: zookeeper: image: confluentinc/cp-zookeeper environment: ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT_PORT: 2181 ZOOKEEPER_TICK_TIME: 2000 ZOOKEEPER_INIT_LIMIT: 5 ZOOKEEPER_SYNC_LIMIT: 2 KAFKA_OPTS: -Djava.security.auth.login.config=/home/etozhekim/Idea...
I'm trying to run this docker compose as is, without changing anything, and it fails with the following error: logstash_1 | {:timestamp=>"2016-08-01T07:57:36.721000+0000", :message=>"No config files found: /etc/logstash/conf.d/logstash.c...
If the Dockerfile is there, once you click the “Build” button, harpoon will automatically find it and build a container image. After a successful build, the “Deploy” button will become enabled and you can deploy the software directly. Once you have a deployment, you can attach any ...
1 docker restart node-red-contrib-ml-node-red-1 Lastly, save the script as docker-ubuntu.sh. Define your services within a Compose file Create an empty file by running the following command inside the same directory as docker-ubuntu.sh: 1 touch docker-compose.yaml Add the following lines ...
Can you please reformat your post and wrap the content of the compose file and of the Dockerfiles in Preformatted text (</> icon) blocks. It is hard to read the way it is now. I must admit, I looked at the frist lines and gave up. Also adding the haproxy.conf would be helpfull...