针对您遇到的“no cmake_cuda_compiler could be found”问题,以下是一些可能的解决步骤,这些步骤基于您提供的提示进行组织: 1. 确认系统中已安装CUDA Toolkit 首先,您需要确保CUDA Toolkit已经正确安装在您的系统上。您可以通过在命令行中运行以下命令来检查CUDA版本,从而验证安装情况: bash nvcc --version 或者,...
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:5 (project): No CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER could be found. Tell CMake where to find the compiler by setting either the environment variable "CUDACXX" or the CMake cache entry CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER to the full path to the compiler, or to the compiler name if it...
No CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER could be found. Minimum reproducible example (If you are using your own code, please provide a short script that reproduces the error. Otherwise, please provide link to the existing example.) Steps to reproduce
> No CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER could be found. >-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!See also"C:/Users/lenovo/Documents/Fax/4/Lasersko skeniranje/Projekat/Open3D-PointNet2-Semantic3D/tf_ops/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log". The log file says: CompilingtheCUDAcompiler identification source fil...
Jetson nano 4GB developer kit jetpack 4.5.1 following this instructions when executing $HOME/install/bin/cmake .. -DGPU_ARCHS="53 62 72" -DTRT_LIB_DIR=/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/ -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/gcc -DT…
解决办法在CMakeLists.txt中使用set(OpenCV_DIR "D:/opencv/build/x64/vc15/lib") 设置OpenCV目录,如果根据网络上的文章设置为set(OpenCV_DIR "D:/opencv/build") 就会报标题中的错误,需要配置成o... 凉L 3 7359 Ubuntu:Unit crond.service could not be found. 2019-12-09 15:35 − 因为Ubuntu上...
windows cmake编译报错 “No CUDA toolset found.“ 出现报错原因: 【CUDA】No CUDA toolset found. 找到对应cuda 文件夹下的VS文件 2. 将文件夹拷贝到对应VS文件夹目录 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Enterprise\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v160\BuildCustomizations...
This file afxwin.h is found in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.16.27023\atlmfc\includeMy projects VC++ Directories has Include set to: $(VCInstallDir)include;$(VCInstallDir)atlmfc\include;$(WindowsSdkDir)include;$(FrameworkSDKDir)\inc...
No CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER could be found. Tell CMake where to find the compiler by setting either the environment variable "CUDACXX" or the CMake cache entry CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER to the full path to the compiler, or to the compiler name if it is in the PATH. ...