在具有 Teams 设备的会议室中包括计算机声音 Teams 设备允许使用连接至会议室控制台的电缆共享内容。 遗憾的是,我们尚不支持以这种方式共享计算机声音。 如果要在会议室中使用 Teams 设备共享计算机声音: 在加入会议时,通过选择“关闭音频”,从个人设备加入会议,这不仅会自动将麦克风以及 Teams 会议中播放的任何音...
en er wordt een bevestigingsbericht weergegeven dat door AI gegenereerde notities zijn ingeschakeld in de chat. Door AI gegenereerde notities worden weergegeven in het rechterdeelvenster van de chat, waarbij automatisch een up-to-date samenvatting van de chat wordt weergegeven di...
No one in my org can log in to Microsoft Teams. Our org license is up to date, and Teams is enabled in Azure, but I am no expert in Azure, so I'm not sure why I have to muck around in it for an Office 365 account. All users are consistently receiving error code caa2...
de chat Criaruma de chat de grupo Ver de perfil Bloquear de contacto Faça mais em conjuntopara obter mais opções Saiba mais sobre conversas de grupo no Microsoft Teams (grátis). Contacte-nos Para obter ajuda adicional,contacte o su...
O centro para o trabalho em equipa no Microsoft 365: reúna pessoas, conversas e conteúdo no mesmo lugar.Procurar todos os percursos de aprendizagem do Teams Guides Vídeos e demonstrações interativos Obtenha acesso a ambientes virtuais para aprender a utilizar o Teams. Ver os guias ...
O Microsoft Teams é um hub digital que oferece reuniões, conteúdo e aplicativos em um só lugar. Os educadores podem criar salas de aula colaborativas, conectar-se com comunidades de aprendizado profissional e comunicar-se com a equipe docente.
Used to be able to add additional people to a chat and get option to show chat history with add person icon at top of screen. Now, when press button you only get the option to start a brand new grou...
Used to be able to add additional people to a chat and get option to show chat history with add person icon at top of screen. Now, when press button you only get the option to start a brand new grou... Hello I tested on one of my tenants and the option ...
1. Make sure Microsoft Teams has permission to use the webcam Press theWindowskey+Iand select thePrivacyoption. SelectCamerain the left pane. Make sure thatAllow apps to access your camerais activated. Now, scroll down and toggle the switch before Teams forward to allow it to use your came...
“AS IS,” without any warranties, express or implied. However, products still under the Lenovo Limited Warranty will continue to receive repair coverage. The ThinkSmart Hub 500 will remain on Windows 10, with ser...