How do university graduates adjust their work, professional, and personal expectations to the reality of a declining and progressively insecure job market? And in doing so, which "forms of identity " (Dubar, La socialisation 185) do they develop in the face of precarious employment? I examine...
KC a lot of money because fewer trains would be required for that loop to Redmond than one to Lynnwood, which to me is beyond Pluto. We don’t mind paying Link fares if it will ensure clean and safe trains, stations, and good frequency. On the eastside. Even though we don’t really...
Analysis of soil samples HA-l through HA-4 per the risk-based required methods did not reveal any contaminant concentrations above the laboratory PQLs. All results were less than the Residential, Industrial/Commercial, and Soil-to-Groundwater MSCCs. Based on the findings in this report, the ...