My optical drive has power and opens, but does not show up as an option to boot up on BIOS. Im pretty sure I gotta hook the HDD and Optical drive up to the motherboard as well, but just wanted to confirm. This is very sad as well, and I looked in the manual, but I cannot ...
计算机无法退出BIOS,退出的时候跳入NO BOOT DEVICE界面 问题现象 如果您在使用计算机的过程中,出现设备无法退出BIOS,退出的时候跳入NO BOOT DEVICE界面。 问题原因 可能是您在设置BIOS的过程中,误关闭了硬盘启动顺序导致。 解决方案 请您按照以下方法操作,重新打开硬盘
I have Win 8.1 and it has UEFI Firmware Settings option. But when I go to BIOS to enable/disable SecureBoot there is no option anywhere. I already tried updating to the latest BIOS v 1.21. Does any other P400 user have SecureBoot? Tags: BIOS SecureBoot Quick...
只能进bios 然后..只能进bios 然后continue后又提示No bootable device (没有可启动引导的设备),让我关机。 怎么办啊。。我很多重要资料都在硬盘里,我正玩着英雄联盟 ,突然就死机了,卡在那个画面 然后在开机就这样了
I mean I dont Have Boot Menu And Lots of Security menu options. how can ı fix this Tags: bios boot menu Notebook 15-Da0xxx View All (4) I have the same question 5 REPLIES The_Fossette 29,212 2,795 1,984 HP Support Agent 07-10-2019 10:06 AM @Sayochi, Welcom...
boot manager (f12) is enable, but there is not option for booting. what you have in boot priority order, the same orders are in boot manager (f12). and i wrote that i have no option in boot priority order. the problem is in bios - insydeh20 that it doesnt provide to change to ...
✅ No TPM and Secure Boot options in BIOS in Windows 10:Hello, I tried turning on TPM and SB on my Windows 10 computer, but there are no such options. BIOS is under the UEFI, but Secure Boot is unsupported...
将LIS 2208卡“Controller BIOS”选项的值选为“[Enabled],若设置后系统还是无法no boot device启动,尝试重新安装系统。 (1)按下“Ctrl+H”,进入配置界面。进入“Controller Properties”,点击“Next”。 (2)将“Controller BIOS”选项的值选为“[Enabled]”,点击“Submit”提交修改。依次点击“Home”->“Exit”...