use magisk manager to patch boot.img and then flash the patched boot.img install twrp and use it to flash magisk directly For the first method I have to get the boot.img from the manufacture's firmware. Using XperiFirm I downloaded the firmware my phone is currently running on but I can...
magisk.log Note Because I was still able to boot and it did not cause any issues that I'm aware of with the direct install, I don't think this is necessarily an urgent issue. However, because it won't patch the boot files, I thought it was important to bring up. I can get the...
You need to Install Gcam First ..You can try non root method for Installing Google Camara All Thanks and Credits for tool goes to AridaneAM After Installing Google Camara Download and Extract the Zip files ...
Also I have tried to uninstall any previous version of magisk using renamed magisk app as via TWRP. Also I get following message: "cannot find vbmeta partition, patch vbmeta in boot image. Removing magisk files." Now when I go to Magisk app, I get only option to "select ...
Magisk Troubleshoot Wiki (by @Didgeridoohan) Bug Reports Only bug reports from Canary builds will be accepted. For installation issues, upload both boot image and install logs. For Magisk issues, upload boot logcat or dmesg. For Magisk app crashes, record and upload the logcat when the crash...
Recently, though, users have noticed that their bootloader-unlocked devices are failing SafetyNet's Basic Integrity check even though they used Magisk to patch the boot image. According to topjohnwu, this is because Google may have implemented hardware-level key attestation to verify that the boot...
After rooting my Mi A3 with the boot.img found here, I no longer have WiFi access. I know this is a classic sign of having rooted with an out-of-date image, but I am definitely on v11.0.20.0 and was before the root attempt too. To make matters even worse, I stupidly forgot to ...
boot TWRP and then install it without downloading a separate ZIP file. XDA Senior Recognized DeveloperDees_Troyworked with XDA Recognized Developertopjohnwuto make this possible by adapting Magisk's boot image patching for TWRP. Dees_Troy says the team will offer installer ZIPs this time around ...
I:Processing '/boot' I:Processing '/cache' I:Processing '/data' I:Processing '/efs' I:Created '/efs' folder. I:Processing '/system_root' I:Processing '/system_image' I:Processing '/vendor' I:Created '/vendor' folder. ...
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