前天电脑关机时提示升级,开机时出现no bootable image found显示,无法进入操作系统。个人按照网上搜索的办法,进入bios自行操作(一知半解,应该是误操作了:比如引导设置,比如恢复bios版本),导致目前开机只 出现惠普图标,不能进入win10系统。 通 - 981326
您可以开机按F10进入BIOS在system configurations选项下找到boot mode将 uefi引导(不带csm)更改为legacy然后按F10保存退出。再试试是否可以恢复正常。我是HP员工。如果以上信息没有解决您的问题,您还可以继续追问,或是通过访问惠普技术支持网页(www.hp.com/cn )。感谢您对惠普的支持。
No bootable image found, notebook will be shutdown 没有找到引导的映象文件,笔记本将关机 请重新设置引导设备,检查引导的硬盘是否连接好,引导文件是否损坏或丢失,用系统盘重新引导,修复安装系统。
"No bootable image found, notebook will be shutdown" error Start a conversation Are you having HotKey issues? Click here for tips and tricks. Create an account on the HP Community to personalize your profile and ask a question Your account also allows you to connect...
"No bootable image found, notebook will be shutdown" error Start a conversation Are you having HotKey issues? Click here for tips and tricks. Create an account on the HP Community to personalize your profile and ask a question Your account also allows you to connect...
Is your laptop displaying the Dell no bootable devices found error? Learn why this error occurred and how to fix it in the following guide.
您好!感谢您选择惠普产品。根据您的描述,建议您参考下列信息:默认申请的主板为预装WIN8配置,如果用户机器不是用UEFI安装的WIN8系统开机会出现此报错,解决方案可以开机F10进入BIOS,先把SECURE BOOT关闭,然后把引导从UEFI引导改为LEGACY模式.希望以上回复能够对您有所帮助。
thinkpad no bootfile found for uefi是thinkpad笔记本不能uefi启动。解决方法:1.首先我们打开thinkpad笔记本,在看到开机启动画面后 按下快捷键fl进入到bios设置,然后通过左右方向键将光标移动至" Security”菜单选项,随后使用上下方向键将其光标移动至下方的"Secure Boot”选项按下回车键;2.按下回车键...
大神们,求告解,我电..大神们,求告解,我电脑开机出现No bootable devices were found Possible causes could be a corrupt OS image or a boot device is not enabled in BIOS setup. 是什么意思
【求助】刷BIOS的..主板是华擎ab350m pro4,从官网上下载了2.50的bios文件到U盘上开机选择instant flash,出现 no image file detected的问题,有没有大佬知道是什么原因顶一发自己的帖子