I've just tested today and of the eight videos YouTube displayed by-default, onlythreeof them work in Edge (video and audio). All eight worked fine when I tested them in Firefox. Key:green-tick= videos fully-working in Edge;red-X= videos play as audio-onl...
ISSUE There is an issue in the Edge 116 stable-release with some YouTube videos. Some videos that used to play without-issue in the 115 release no-longer work in the 116 release: the audio... First bit of media-coverage I've seen of this issue, on a site calledPi...
I know YouTube hasa fair number of issues, but a video platform not displaying video is just unacceptable (unless you want toplay audio only). If you are currently just seeing a black screen on YouTube while the sound plays (or not even that), then you are not alone. No video on Yo...
Working on YouTube and YouTube Music! Now with Media Keys support! This extension will always remain free. If, however, it made your life easier in any way and you feel like giving back, you can make a teeny tiny donation here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/deketdev Untested (but ...
Stop auto-playing on embedded YouTube players. 5. Supports YouTube's new Material Design (as of version 0.2.2) Notes: 1. As of version 0.2.4, this extension is compatible with YouTube's material design 2. As of version 0.2.5, this extension is not working on the old non-mate...
No matter if it's a video or audio file, it extracts vocals from the imported media file, and exports as well. Online Sites Separate Items From Online Sites Copy and paste the URL from YouTube or SoundCloud, and let it do the rest, even download source audio from the sites. AI Automa...
Chrome is set as the default browser. Videos on chrome will play on youtube but not other websites like facebook and weather.com. I do not get any error messages. The play button actually plays the audio and the slide bar advances, but I have no moving video picture. I did have stil...
Built-in Google,DuckDuckGo,Youtube,eBay,Github etc GET/POST Custom enginesand so on. Besides above basic features, it can also✨: 🖋️ Single-line or multi-line text ⌨️ Every search step can be done by just keyboard, without mouse. It's UI has built-in Vimium-like feature. ...
On YouTube Applied Acoustics Systems Multiphonics CV-3 Multiphonics CV-3 is a modular software synth that is unlike any other. VI PLUGINS TBProAudio Euphonia A flexible, effective, easy-to-use spectral balancing plug-in. Enhancer Plugins ...
<audio id="player" controls> <source src="/path/to/audio.mp3" type="audio/mp3" /> <source src="/path/to/audio.ogg" type="audio/ogg" /> </audio>For YouTube and Vimeo players, Plyr uses progressive enhancement to enhance the default <iframe> embeds. Below are some examples. The ...