I have a hard time taking seriously any blog that hosts an ad for the “runaway bestseller” by Sarah Palin. My limited experience in academia was enough to figure out that scientists have all of the same foibles, jealousies and weaknesses that exist everywhere else. I would go further to...
Sign up for our premium content subscriptionSleepless Sanctuaryand you’ll get early access to our ad-free full-length episodes, bonus content and so much more. Subscribe Now Brace yourself For the dark hours when you dare not close your eyes. Tales of horror to frighten and disturb. Join ...
Researchers led by Harshad Puranik at the University of Illinois at Chicago looked at this common workplace phenomenon from two aspects. First, interruptions get in the way of completing assignments and require employees to repeatedly switch attention between tasks. That's where the negative effects...
The mallards were rooting around in the forest liter with their bills, finding red oak acorns. They would grab one in their bill, toss their head back ad choke down the hard acorn then immediately go back in search of another. As they fed they made a strange mummer unlike any call I ...
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It's true, Rudolph was all a marketing ploy. But it could be argued in this case that the commercialization of the holiday season had a timeless, positive result. In 1939, a Montgomery Ward store in Chicago commissioned a holiday story to help beef up sales, ...
i give you everything i give you only a hai i go back to sleep i go to school i got a good one i th i got a mother i got a promotion i got a response i got bored from ever i got it from my mama i got it from the gif i got no strings so i i got nothing to do i...
After inheriting his new home, Jim — dressed in his “punk” outfit of gaudy suits, skinny hot pink ties and matching sunglasses — has the brilliant idea to rent out the large house but only to a certain demographic. His newspaper ad reads “Girls, girls, girls, if you’re between ...
Loom is a web-based ad-hoc video platform that allows users to record their screens for quick replaying by others. This is great for how-to videos, webinars, and instructional guides. The best part about Loom is that it’s free to use.SkypeSkype is the tried and trusted chatting/video...