4. Bus No.1 从 Hospital 到 White Beach 需要 34 分钟。 5. 时间表中包含 Newtown Shopping Center 站,因此可以乘坐公交前往购物中心。 答案: 1. C.Six 2. A Clayton Street 3. D.Bus No.4 4. C 34 minutes 5. D. You can't take the bus to a shopping center...
Table 1 Bus Timetable(时刻表)No.1 BusStops(站点)zoolibraryschoolparksupermarketTime6:306:457:007:337:45( )1. No.1 bus has___stops. A. four B. five C. six( )2. The fourth(第四) stop is___. D. the library E. the park F. the zoo( )3. No.1 bus arrives at(到达) the...
华南理工大学硕士研究生研究方向:交通规划运输与管理E-mail:892315570@qq.com关键词交通运输工程;需求响应式公交;发车时刻表;车辆调度问题;协同优化;自适应变邻域搜索算法transportation engineering;demand responsive transit;departure time-table;vehicl...
在 Morinoyu Kiranosato Ryokan 的宁静风景、舒缓的温泉和迷人的海岸景色中放松身心。享受优质的服务、十个公共或私人浴室以及正宗的日本料理。醒来时可以欣赏到美丽的日式料理。""山或海。位置便利,提供酒店班车服务。立即预订,为两位旅客带来难忘的假期。" 【部分内容可能由生成式人工智能辅助生成。或有不准确之处...
并且单词timetable中有time,意思是时间,由此我们可以推断出这个单词的意思是时间表。故选C。 【3】细节理解题。根据表格中Subjects中的信息可知,学生们一共需要考5科,分别是语文、英语、数学、政治和历史。故应该选D。 【4】细节理解题。根据表格中的考试信息可知,英语科目的考试是周一下午2点半到4点半,是两个...
【题目】阅读理解Passage 2Berry Ville Bus Timetable Bus Stop(站) Bus No.1 Bus No.2 Bus No.3 Bu
第一节 阅读下面两个语篇,从每题所给的 A、B、C三个选项选出最佳选项。A ABerry Ville Bus Timetable Bus stop Bus No.
49 and the number 16.However,by the time the number 16 bus reaches SoUk Road,it is always full,so it is of no use for me.This leaves the number 49 which sometimes has empty seats on it. The timetable states that there are buses from SoUk Road to the Airport every ten minutes.If ...
No Peak Time Mountain Bus; Winter Timetable Leaves Snowdon Walkers with Race against the ClockDaily Post (Liverpool, England)Daily Post
WAY CON' SERVICE]]>Byline: BY MARK ELLIS Transport CorrespondentThe Mirror (London, England)