no fault insurance 不追究责任的保险 no fault divorce 【法】 不追究责任的离婚 no fault insurance phr. 无过失保险 no fault automobile insurance phr. 无过失汽车保险 at fault 有过失,有毛病,有错误,应受责备 in fault 有过失,有毛病,有错误,应受责备 seissors fault differential fault 剪断层...
no-fault insurance 英 [nəʊ fɔːlt ɪnˈʃʊərəns] 美 [noʊ fɔːlt ɪnˈʃʊrəns]n. 不追究责任的保险;无过失保险 ...
no fault insurance phr. 无过失保险 no fault insurance 不追究责任的保险 no fault automobile insurance phr. 无过失汽车保险 at fault 有过失,有毛病,有错误,应受责备 in fault 有过失,有毛病,有错误,应受责备 seissors fault differential fault 剪断层 to a fault adv.过分 abnormal fault 变态...
3) non-fault insurance of motor vehicle 机动车无过失保险 4) non-overload 无过载 1. Improved Design of Non-Overload Super-Low Specific Speed Centrifugal Pump; 无过载超低比转速离心泵改型设计 2. Research on the Performance Forecasting of a Non-overload Double-channel Sewage Pump; ...
Dakhlallah, Kassem
no-fault在《PONS词典》中的词汇 词条no-fault在英语»西班牙语中的译文 no-fault[美ˈnoʊfɔ:lt]形美(insurance) no-fault conindemnizacióngarantizada 到英语_美式英语 单语范例(未经PONS编辑处理) 英语 The program operates according to a no-fault principle. ...
词汇no-fault 释义 adjective no-fault insurance(=in which the insurance company pays for damage, etc. without asking whose fault it was)不追究责任的保险 时代网英语在线翻译词典收录了323754条英语词汇在线翻译词条,基本涵盖了全部常用英语词汇的中英文双语翻译及用法,是英语学习的有利工具。
Whoever came up with the name “no-fault insurance” really hasn’t done drivers any favours. It’s misleading to the majority of people who don’t work in theauto insuranceindustry. One of the most commonauto insurance mythsis that no one is to blame for a collision under a no-fault ...
In its broadest sense, no-fault insurance is any type of insurance contract under which the insured party is indemnified by their own insurance company for losses, regardless of the source of the cause of loss. In this sense, it is no different from first-party coverage. ...
no fault automobile insurance 英 [nəʊ fɔːlt ˈɔːtəməbiːl ɪnˈʃʊərəns] 美 [noʊ fɔːlt ˈɔːtəməbiːl ɪnˈ...