PatchSize指的是在模型输入时,从原始图像中截取的小块大小。在NNUNet中,PatchSize通常用于处理高分辨率的医学图像,以减少内存消耗。 2. 如何调整PatchSize 图像分辨率:根据原始图像的分辨率选择合适的PatchSize。较小的PatchSize可以减少内存消耗,但可能导致信息丢失;较大的PatchSize可以保留更多信息,但会增加内存消耗。
如图是nnUNetPlansv2.1_plans_3D.pkl文件的设置,batch_size=2,patch_size=[28, 256, 256] 下面修改参数的两种方法: 方法一、直接修改数据验证和预处理阶段的代码 方法二、直接修改.pkl文件 修改.pkl文件的代码如下: importnumpyasnpimportpickleaspklfrombatchgenerators.utilities.file_and_folder_operationsimport*p...
input_patch_size *= 1 / min(input_patch_size) * 512 # to get a starting value input_patch_size = np.round(input_patch_size).astype(int) # clip it to the median shape of the dataset because patches larger then that make not much sense input_patch_size = [min(i, j) for i, j...
"将 patch size 初始化为图像形状中值,然后迭代减小补丁大小,同时相应调整网络拓扑结构(包括网络深度、沿每个轴进行池化操作的次数和位置、特征图大小和卷积核大小),直到在 GPU 内存限制的情况下,网络的 batch size 至少可以达到2"。 在适应过程中还考虑了图像 spacing:下采样操作可以被配置为,仅在 3D U-Net 中...
_patch_size_for_gaussian_3d:存储用于生成 3D 高斯重要图的小批量大小。 _gaussian_2d:用于存储 2D 高斯重要图,以用于推理。 _patch_size_for_gaussian_2d:存储用于生成 2D 高斯重要图的小批量大小。 defpredict_3D(self,x:np.ndarray,do_mirroring:bool, ...
"configurations": {"2d": {"data_identifier":"nnUNetPlans_2d","preprocessor_name":"DefaultPreprocessor","batch_size":2,"patch_size": [1024,1280], After I trained it, I gotfold 0~fold 4. No errors there of course Then I reset the patch size, and make it larger ...
Hi Fabian, When i generated the plan file for a task and viewed it, I found out that the patch _size in it is different than what is written in the paper. For example: for lung dataset, below is the content of plan file: 1: {'batch_size'...
在推理阶段,使用patch推理策略,patch移动步长是0.5 * patch_size,并且给予patch中心和边缘不同的权重,此外使用了测试时数据增强策略镜像。 3、ensemble 经过训练,得到了2D-UNet、3D-UNet、UNet-cascade 共3个模型,使用3个模型分别预测验证集(验证集的概念见下一小节),然后将预测结果分别两两融合,并查看dice coef,...
Rule-based parametersuse the dataset fingerprint to adapt certain segmentation pipeline properties by following hard-coded heuristic rules. For example, the network topology (pooling behavior and depth of the network architecture) are adapted to the patch size; the patch size, network topology and bat...
Note that not all U-Net configurations are created for all datasets. In datasets with small image sizes, the U-Net cascade is omitted because the patch size of the full resolution U-Net already covers a large part of the input images. ...