Hence, it is not the same as the market price. Also known as national income by type of income, it can present a picture of the cost of factors of production in a country. Since the government maintains regular data on GDP or NNP at factor cost, they can lay down economic policies ...
①因为你心灵饥渴,所以要读书。 ②读书是为了获取知识,这是最简单不过的道理。前辈们用智慧探寻大自然的奥秘,以文字作下了永久的记录,便有了( );他们研究人类社会的发展史,探求规律,便有了( );他们思考人与自然、社会之间的关系,便有了( );他们用生动的形象,表达人类的故事,便有了( )。 ...