cd on quit (easy shell integration) Proceed to next file on file open and selection Search Instant filtering with search-as-you-type Regex (POSIX/PCRE) and string (default) filters Subtree search plugin to open or edit files Sort Ordered pure numeric names by default (visit /proc) Case...
NNN_TMPFILE='/tmp/.lastd'alwayscd on quit NNN_HELP='pwy paris'run cmd, show o/p on help page NNN_MCLICK='^R'(/'m')8key emulated by middle mouse click NO_COLOR=19disable ANSI color output Key-bookmark and key-plugin pairs are listed in the help and config screen (key?). ...
The extra key^Gtocd on quitis to avoid writing to a file every timennnquits and allows on-demandcd on quit. Sync subshell$PWD To configurennnto cd to the$PWDof the exitedbashsubshell, add the following in.bashrc: nnn_cd() {if![-z"$NNN_PIPE"];thenprintf"%s\0""0c${PWD}">"$...
cd ~#切换到用户目录#下载软件emqtt,这个是对应的ubuntu16.04 64bit的稳定版wget安装zip unzip软件sudo apt-get installzipunzip#解压软件到当前路径unzip 开启emqttd软件 #进入emqttd软件目录cd emqttd# 启动e...
mysql> grant all privileges on zabbix.* to'zabbix'@'localhost'identified by ‘password'; mysql> quit 数据库的默认名字是zabbix,管理员用户名也是zabbix,密码是password。现在你需要使用zabbix模式和一些初始数据来填充数据库。要想这样做,你可以使用默认的安装在/usr/share/doc/zabbix-server-mysql-/create/sch...
Configure cd on quit. Sync subshell $PWD to nnn. Install plugins. Use -x to sync selection to clipboard, show notis on cp, mv, rm and set xterm title. For a CLI-only environment, set NNN_OPENER to nuke. Use option -c. Bid ls goodbye! alias ls='nnn -de' 😎 Visit the Live ...
Configurecd on quit. HOW TO Set environment variableNNN_BMSas a string ofkey_char:locationpairs (max 10) separated by semicolons (;): NOTE: Bookmark keys should be single-character to use them in combination with the Leader key.
[root@localhostmrms]# tar -zxvf pcre-8.21.tar.gz[root@localhostmrms]# cd pcre-8.21[root@localhostpcre-8.21]# ./configure[root@localhostpcre-8.21]# make[root@localhostpcre-8.21]# make install ** 4.安装 nginx-1.2.6.tar.gz** [root@localhostmrms]# tar -zxvf nginx-1.2.6.tar.gz[root...
本节提供一个Spring Boot参考文档的简明概述。你可以把它作为文档其余部分的导航。你可以从头到尾依次阅读该参考指南,或跳过你不感兴趣的章节。 1.1关于本文档 Spring Boot参考指南有html,pdf和epub形式的文档。在可获取到最新的副本。
Install the utilities required for your regular activities. Configure cd on quit. Optionally open all text files in EDITOR (fallback vi): export NNN_USE_EDITOR=1 Run n. Press ? for help on keyboard shortcuts anytime. For additional functionality setup custom scripts....